'Kiss My Ass': David Cameron Gets Short Shrift From Marjorie Taylor Greene After Ukraine Funding Plea

British foreign secretary angers US Republican politician after urging the GOP "not to show the weakness displayed against Hitler".
Marjorie Taylor Greene and David Cameron.
Marjorie Taylor Greene and David Cameron.

David Cameron has prompted an angry reaction from US Republican politician Marjorie Taylor Greene after drawing comparisons to the appeasement of Adolf Hitler when urging Congress to approve a multi-billion dollar funding package to Ukraine.

The British foreign secretary on Tuesday made a direct plea to American politicians amid the stalemate over $95.3 billion (£75 billion) of support to Ukraine to help it continue its war against Russia.

But the former prime minister’s lobbying drew a fierce response from Taylor Greene, the controversial member of the House of Representatives from the Donald Trump-supporting MAGA wing of the GOP.

Taylor Greene was confronted by James Matthews of Sky News, who characterised Cameron’s comments as likening her “to an appeaser to Hitler in not voting for funding to Ukraine ”.

“Are you an appeaser for Putin?” the correspondent asked.

“I really don’t care what David Cameron has to say,” she replied. “I think that’s rude name-calling and I don’t appreciate that type of language. David Cameron needs to worry about his own country and frankly he can kiss my ass.”

WATCH: US Rep Marjorie Taylor Greene on remarks by UK foreign secretary Lord Cameron re Ukraine funding: “Frankly, he can kiss my ass.” @SkyNews #ukraine pic.twitter.com/hxpg44tmwZ

— James Matthews (@jamesmatthewsky) February 14, 2024

In an unusual move, Cameron used an article on the Washington DC website The Hill to urge Congress to support Ukraine with more funding.

He said: “I believe our joint history shows the folly of giving in to tyrants in Europe who believe in redrawing boundaries by force.

“I do not want us to show the weakness displayed against Hitler in the 1930s. He came back for more, costing us far more lives to stop his aggression.”


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