David Schwimmer Responds To Claims He May Have Stolen Loads Of Beer In Blackpool


David Schwimmer has reacted to reports he may have been behind the mystery theft of a crate of beer in a style worthy of the legendary sitcom which made him a household name.

On Wednesday a police appeal for a theft in Blackpool quickly went viral after social media users pointed out that the man on the run drew an uncanny resemblance to Ross Geller from Friends.

The post on Facebook was soon flooded with jokes. Aaron Milburn quipped: “Please approach him with caution. He is known to have studied Karate and we believe he has mastered the art of Unagi, the state of total awareness.”

And now the man himself (Schwimmer, not the thief who is presumably still at large) has responded – by apparently stealing some beer on the other side of the Atlantic.

Officers, I swear it wasn't me.
As you can see, I was in New York.
To the hardworking Blackpool Police, good luck with the investigation.#itwasntme pic.twitter.com/EDFF9dZoYR

— schwim (@DavidSchwimmer) October 24, 2018

And Schwimmer has clearly made the day of whoever was running the Lancashire Police Twitter account.

Thanks for being there for us @DavidSchwimmer 😄👍#appreciatethesupport@BlackpoolPolice https://t.co/RsMhsbN0JE

— LancsPolice (@LancsPolice) October 24, 2018

The original post took on a life of its own, receiving nearly 100,000 comments in less than 24 hours.

But the force got in on the fun, later commenting: “Thank you to everyone for your speedy responses.

“We have investigated this matter thoroughly and have confirmed that David Schwimmer was in America on this date.

“We’re so sorry it had to be this way.”


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