Dennis Skinner branded David Cameron "dodgy Dave" in the Commons on Monday - and got thrown out of the chamber for it.
The veteran Labour MP accused the prime minister of refusing to answer his questions about mortgage payments on his houses "at the time he was dividing the nation between strivers and scroungers" after the 2010 election.
Skinner added: "Maybe dodgy Dave will answer it now."

Speaker John Bercow ordered Skinner to withdraw the word "dodgy" as it broke parliamentary rules.
But he refused. "This man has done more to divide this nation than anybody else. He's looked after his own pocket. I still refer to him as 'dodgy Dave'."
Under the threat of being expelled from the Commons, Skinner added: "Do what you like". As he walked out of the chamber, MPs shouted "bye, bye".

While Bercow ordered Skinner to leave the Chamber for the rest of the day, he was unimpressed with Conservative MPs telling him to "chuck" the Labour MP out.
"I don’t require any assistance from some junior minister," the Speaker reprimanded one Tory.
Skinner made the comment as Cameron was grilled by MPs on the revelations of the Panama Papers- which have forced him to reveal details of his own tax return.
Cameron, who received £300,000 from his late father Ian and £200,000 from his mother Mary, said it was "natural human instinct" for parents to want to pass things on to their children.
The prime minister told MPs he accepted he had handled the affair badly but was "angry about the way my father's memory was being traduced".
"I know he was hard-working man and a wonderful dad and I'm proud of everything he did to build a business and provide for his family."