'The Dom Raab Special' Is Actually Pret's Bestselling Sandwich, Chain Reveals

Westminster is mildly obsessed with the housing minister's lunch combo.
Dominic Raab's strict sandwich habit has gripped the media
Dominic Raab's strict sandwich habit has gripped the media
Bloomberg via Getty Images

A politician’s sandwich choice has inadvertently enthralled Westminster.

Housing minister Dominic Raab has been rocked by claims that the MP always buys the same baguette, a “superfruit” pot and a vitamin volcano smoothie.

It has been dubbed “The Dom Raab Special”.

An undercover Daily Mirror reporter got the scoop from a woman who works for Raab, who also reportedly sells sex on the side and suggested having sex in Raab’s office.

But it was existential angst of buying the same meal every day that captivated Fleet Street.

The Mirror has run a story about a female aide to a government minister topping up her salary by selling sex but the most stunning revelation as far as I'm concerned is that Dominic Raab is stuck in much the same pret lunch vortex I am https://t.co/LSlrNZmveZ pic.twitter.com/hZa1b4jOpE

— Alan White (@aljwhite) April 26, 2018

Well I know what I’m having for lunch today. pic.twitter.com/xT4FTYTJFp

— Harry Cole (@MrHarryCole) April 26, 2018

In a revelation set to make Raab’s lunch choice appear even more bland, Pret A Manger has told HuffPost the chicken caesar and bacon baguette, which he reportedly eats every single day, is in fact the chain’s most popular sandwich.

Pret A Manger confirmed the baguette is its best seller. “You may be interested to know,” a spokeswoman said, before making the big reveal.

Pret had yet to confirm any hard data on how many of the sandwiches were sold each day – and what percentage of them Raab eats.

The spokeswoman said the company would track down the data “asap”.

She later confirmed the sandwich outsold the second most popular sandwich, the pole & line caught tuna mayo and cucumber, by 1,500 last week.

A photo of the sandwich Dominic Raab eats every day in Westminster
A photo of the sandwich Dominic Raab eats every day in Westminster
Bloomberg via Getty Images

The New Statesman did an unscientific poll of its staff and found 52% bought the same lunch every day.

It is unclear whether Raab voted in it.


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