Dominic Raab

The total is close to the last Tory exodus, seen ahead of Labour's 1997 landslide victory.
The total now exceeds the last Tory exodus, seen ahead of Labour's 1997 landslide victory.
There are currently 68 MPs leaving parliament as Conservatives in July.
Dozens have now announced that they are standing down - with more set to follow them.
Former first secretary of state tells Covid inquiry he did not want to look like he was "enjoying" being in charge while Boris Johnson was incapacitated in 2020.
Reports are now suggesting that the show’s bosses could be eyeing Johnson’s prime ministerial successor as a potential campmate.
Insiders believe dozens more Conservatives will end up quitting parliament.
Dozens have now announced that they are standing down - with more set to follow them.
The Tory backbencher resigned as deputy prime minister and justice secretary last month following a bullying inquiry.