5 Times Donald Trump Showed Mind-Boggling Ignorance During His Sean Hannity Interview

'North Korea-lite.'

As fresh reports surfaced of a whole new level of disfunction within the Donald Trump White House, the President was rolled out in front the cameras last night for what amounted to an ego-stroking ‘interview’ with Sean Hannity of Fox News.

Public relations 'North Korea-lite' style
Public relations 'North Korea-lite' style
Fox News

According to an incredible report in Vanity Fair on Wednesday, the President “hates everyone in the White House” and his aides fear he is “unravelling”.

But in an hour-long one-on-one, held at a military air base in Pennsylvania, Trump wasn’t once challenged by Hannity as an adoring crowd of supporters, in a set adorned with US flags, cheered and clapped at almost every word.

“I’m very proud of you,” the President told the host at one point.

It's amazing that Hannity has spent so many hours interviewing Trump and managed to never break news, even by accident.

— Josh Barro (@jbarro) October 12, 2017

But for those actually listening to the substance of what the President of the United States said, a few alarm bells were ringing.

That segment at the end with Hannity's audience crapping on the press and praising him and Trump was pretty scary. North Korea-lite.

— Matthew Gertz (@MattGertz) October 12, 2017

OK, so this one is less ignorance and just to reinforce how ludicrous the relationship between Trump and Sean Hannity actually is.

According to the Los Angeles Times:

When President Trump agreed last month with Democrats to strike a deal granting legal status to so-called Dreamers brought to this country illegally as children, his chief of staff, John F. Kelly, was all for it. Another Trump confidant disagreed: Fox host Sean Hannity made clear in a phone call and on his show that Trump must draw a harder line on broader immigration enforcement as his price.

Trump sided with Hannity, according to a person close to the White House. The result was a list of demands unveiled Sunday night — conditions seemingly guaranteed to thwart a bipartisan deal.

“The President has started to call people more on the weekends, from the cellphone, which he didn’t used to do,” the person said, noting that Trump often calls Hannity after the Fox News host’s nightly show.

Sean Hannity interviewing Donald Trump is like me being interviewed by my mother

— Michael Cohen (@speechboy71) October 12, 2017


The Fake News Is going all out in order to demean and denigrate! Such hatred!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 12, 2017

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