Emily Maitlis' Amazing Eye-Roll Is Everyone's Mood About Brexit And The UK's Politicians

"Maitlis side eye has knocked the planet off orbit."

With only 16 days until Brexit and yet another day of defeat and gridlock in parliament, the British public’s patience is beginning to wear a little thin.

Such is the level of despair that a Twitter account claiming to be a cat garnered 25,000 likes after offering to take up the role of lead negotiator.

At this moment of deep uncertainty for the UK, I’m offering to take over Brexit negotiations. I couldn’t exactly do any worse... #BrexitVote pic.twitter.com/bKTiNwuB7G

— Larry the Cat (@Number10cat) March 12, 2019

Over on the BBC after MPs voted by 391 to 242 to reject Theresa May’s revised plans for the UK’s exit from the EU, it was Newsnight presenter Emily Maitlis’ turn to grill the country’s politicians about just what the hell is going on.

This appears to have been no easy task as an increasingly-frustrated Maitlis attempted to get straight answers from her guests and culminated in a barely-disguised eye-roll that could speak for the nation.

First up Maitlis had to deal with Tory Minister Nadhim Zahawi attempting to put a positive spin on what was undoubtedly yet another disastrous day for the PM.

He said: “Clearly it’s not ideal that we lost the vote tonight but I think the prime minister is doing the right thing. She listened to parliament], she got legal undertakings, clearly not enough to convince 75 of my colleagues to support it...”

Maitlis replied: “She may as well have done nothing, it was never going to work, was it?”

“Clearly it’s not ideal that we lost the vote tonight, but the prime minister is doing the right thing.”

Government minister Nadhim Zahawi adds that he will be voting to keep no deal on the table tomorrow@nadhimzahawi | #newsnight pic.twitter.com/LNvu3duF21

— BBC Newsnight (@BBCNewsnight) March 12, 2019

But Zahawi was adamant, insisting May is “absolutely the best person” to get the job done.

This did not convince Maitlis, who replied: “I’m not being funny Nadhim, bit at what point do you say ‘it’s been a tough task and she’s been gritty but she has failed’? Twice.”

Nadhim replied: “I’d argued it’s parliament that has failed.”

“She’s absolutely the best person” - Government minister Nadhim Zahawi is adamant Theresa May remains the best person to deliver Brexit.

Emily: “She has failed twice.”

Nadhim: "Parliament has failed"#newsnight | @maitlis | @nadhimzahawi pic.twitter.com/BONNsi3E4c

— BBC Newsnight (@BBCNewsnight) March 12, 2019

Running with the theme of a failed parliament, Maitlis then turned to Labour’s Barry Gardiner.

After a heated back-and-forth, Maitlis said: “The country is desperate for leadership and we know we’re not getting it from the government and we’re not getting it from Jeremy Corbyn either.

“You’ve got nothing more to offer tonight.”

Gardiner replied: “We need to get those red lines changed, put forward a deal that honours the referendum result, that accepts that we’re leaving the EU but does it in a way that protects the jobs of people out there.”

Desperate to get a firm response from Labour that summed up the party’s stance on Brexit, Maitlis said: “Just answer me this – if there is a general election called next week, which could happen, what will be on your manifesto? What Brexit vision will be on your manifesto.”

Gardiner replied: “We will decide what our manifesto position is, as we normally do, it’s a democratic party and not made up by one person on Newsnight.”

CUE EYEROLL. And furious scribbling on her notes.

Maitlis side eye has knocked the planet off orbit. pic.twitter.com/7EZtR0GHIl

— Nick Walker (@nickw84) March 12, 2019

Back in parliament, MPs are set to vote on whether to block a no-deal Brexit after Theresa May suffered a humiliating defeat as her EU Withdrawal Agreement was rejected by an overwhelming majority for the second time.

Conservative MPs will be given a free vote on Wednesday evening on whether they are willing for the UK to leave the EU without a deal at the end of the month.


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