Stressed Children 'Relaxed And Encouraged' During Exams By Teacher's Graffiti Desks

'Remember, there is no elevator to success, you must take the stairs.'

Children were encouraged to relax during their end of year exams thanks to a teacher who personalised their desks in a wonderful way.

Chandni Langford, from Woodbury Public School in New Jersey, America, wanted to "inspire" her students who were feeling the pressure of their upcoming tests.

The kids, who are in fifth grade (aged 10-11), walked into their classroom to see quotes graffitied on their desk.

"To motivate her 5th grade kids, Mrs. Langford prepared inspirational, growth-mindset messages for every one of her students," the school district wrote when sharing photos of the classroom on Facebook.

"Each personalised note was written in dry erase marker on students’ desks so they could be cleaned up."

Langford, who said she wanted to "relax and encourage" the kids, used the hashtag #growthmindset and signed each desk from "your teachers".

"Remember, there is no elevator to success, you must take the stairs! You got this!" one of the quotes read.

Another desk had a quote that read: "Learning is your superpower! Remember, never stop trying and never stop growing your brain."

The photos, posted on Facebook by Woodbury City Public Schools on Tuesday 2 May, were shared nearly 19,000 times in nine days.

Thousands of people have praised Langford for her inspirational approach to teaching.

"Mrs. Langford, this is brilliant," one person commented on the photo album.

"What a way to motivate your students. Why weren't you my teacher? I love you for this. You deserve an award and more teachers should model this approach."

Another person wrote: "This was just what the students needed to get through such a stressful moment.

"Kudos to you for reaching each one of your students in such a creative way. I hope your students do an excellent job on their test."
