Five Dead After Helicopter And Small Plane Collide In Majorca

One of those dead is a child, according to government officials.
Incendios f.Baleares

Five people were killed on the Spanish island of Majorca in a collision between a helicopter and a small plane, authorities have announced.

One of those dead is a child, according to regional government officials.

The scene of the crash.
The scene of the crash.
Incendios f.Baleares

Three of the victims, a couple and a minor, were in the helicopter, while the other two were on board the ultralight plane, the Diario de Mallorca newspaper reported.

Balearic Islands president Francina Armengol said in a tweet: “We are following with concern and shock that an air accident has occurred in Inca.”

She said the emergency teams are working at the scene.

“Our thoughts are with the victims,” she added.

Seguim amb preocupació i commoció l'accident aeri que ha succeït a Inca. Els equips d'emergència treballen ara mateix al lloc del fets i la consellera @isabelcastrofer es desplaça cap allà. Els nostres pensaments estan amb els víctimes

— Francina Armengol (@F_Armengol) August 25, 2019

According to a Spanish news agency, the aircraft crashed into a field following the collision at 11.35am GMT, Sky News reports.

Majorca is the largest island in the Balearic Islands, which are part of Spain and located in the Mediterranean.

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