35 Funny Tweets About The Random Reasons For Kids' Tantrums

"In case you were on the fence about having kids, my 3-year-old threw a temper tantrum because her tongue is pink."

Little kids aren’t exactly known for their rational thinking. Hello, temper tantrums.

It’s natural for children to feel overwhelmed by big emotions, but the catalysts behind these meltdowns are, admittedly, quite nonsensical at times.

Below, we’ve rounded up 35 funny tweets from parents about the random reasons their kids have tantrums.

In case you were on the fence about having kids, my 3-year-old threw a temper tantrum because her tongue is pink.

— James Breakwell, Exploding Unicorn (@XplodingUnicorn) July 7, 2017

That's amazing that your two year old is reading. Mine just threw a temper tantrum because I wouldn't put his shoes on the wrong feet.

— Lurkin' Mom (@LurkAtHomeMom) December 23, 2013

Today’s tantrum is brought to you by the fact that I dared to give my daughter Anna’s braids when she clearly wanted Elsa’s

— That Mom Tho (@mom_tho) February 13, 2020

If you’re wondering what parenting is like, my 4-year-old just threw a tantrum and told me to go away and then threw a second tantrum because I went away.

— The Dad (@thedad) April 27, 2022

2: Has tantrum because I won't let her drink straight lime juice.

Also 2: Has tantrum because i finally let her drink straight lime juice and it was "Yucky sour."

Exactly like I told her it would be during the first trantrum.

— The Salty Mamas (@saltymamas) April 12, 2019

I'm all for letting my kids be who they want to be.

And my 3 year-old just had a tantrum about the cheese on his pizza being "too melted," so apparently his dream is to be my least favorite child.

— A Bearer Of Dad News (@HomeWithPeanut) November 23, 2019

Sometimes I miss having a toddler, but then I hear a toddler throwing a tantrum because “the moon keeps following me!” Then, I think, “ya, I’m good.”

— Robert Knop (@FatherWithTwins) January 30, 2019

My toddler is throwing a temper tantrum because she both wants and doesn't want to sit in her high chair.

Your move, Schrödinger's cat.

— James Breakwell, Exploding Unicorn (@XplodingUnicorn) May 26, 2016

My four year old is having a tantrum because his dinner isn't freshly baked cookies.

— dadpression (@Dadpression) November 28, 2018

Toddler is having a complete meltdown because I put the wrong LEGO in his carefully constructed world so I guess he’s ready to be a fantasy author.

— Eric Smith (@ericsmithrocks) April 6, 2020

3yo is currently having a meltdown because I won’t call the fire department to rescue a bird from a tree.

— Heather 🏳️🌈🇺🇦✊🏿✊🏾✊🏽 (@dishs_up) April 28, 2020

Good morning to everyone except my middle child who is currently having a Grade A meltdown tantrum because he found out my wife and I swam with dolphins in the Bahamas nearly a decade before he was born.

— Keep Abortion Safe & Legal (@DaddyFiles) April 2, 2021

Good morning. My 3 year old is throwing a tantrum. Over soap. Because it’s “not soapy enough.”

— Jennifer S. White (@yenniwhite) July 20, 2018

My 4-year-old is having a meltdown because I didn't take a 5 mile detour so he could see a large overpass. #momlife

— Jennifer Borget (@JenniferBorget) April 13, 2017

Child: [throwing tantrum because we won’t let her make her own butter at 9:30 PM]

Me [rifling thru “What to Expect When You’re Expecting”]: WHERE DOES IT MENTION THIS

— Rodney Lacroix (@RodLacroix) December 31, 2021

My toddler was having a massive tantrum until she found a grape on the floor. She ate it, and forgot why she was crying. She was crying because she doesn't like grapes.

— Marcy G (@BunAndLeggings) April 18, 2020

To anyone out there thinking about having kids, today my 2 year old threw a temper tantrum because she couldn’t get rid of her shadow.

— James Breakwell, Exploding Unicorn (@XplodingUnicorn) March 23, 2013

My child just had a full meltdown because he saw a tiny dog wearing a Mickey Mouse t-shirt and now he wants the dog’s shirt. Just in case you were considering having children.

— amil (@amil) May 16, 2020

Thank you Magic School Bus for giving my children something entertaining and educational to watch, but also for 4's massive tantrum because I won't let him raft a river of lava.

— Anecdotal Birthcontrol (@AnecdtlBrthCtrl) November 12, 2019

If you have a toddler, then you also know it's possible for a tantrum to last 30 minutes because milk was poured into the wrong blue cup.

— Jennifer S. White (@yenniwhite) July 18, 2017

Thinking of having kids? My kid threw a tantrum because I agreed with him that his diaper had bears printed on it. Still thinking of it?

— A Bearer Of Dad News (@HomeWithPeanut) October 2, 2017

My 3 year old just threw an epic tantrum because I called her popcorn a “snack” instead of dessert. In case you’re wondering what parenting is like. #momlife #parenting

— MomTransparenting (@momtransparent1) November 23, 2018

my daughter threw a tantrum because she felt it was too early to be spoken to and it really is a miracle that we create little versions of ourselves

— That Mom Tho (@mom_tho) July 2, 2020

Tonight’s bathtub tantrum was brought to you by butter, because you can play with lots of things in the bath, but not butter.

— WTFDAD (@daddydoubts) June 13, 2020

My child threw a tantrum because I could not draw a convincing goose so that was my day

— Fossilized Tree Resin (@Jamberee13) December 11, 2019

2 had a complete meltdown during bedtime story because he wanted me to read Animal Alphabet Stories and instead I was reading Animal Alphabet Stories.

*Sound of cork popping*

— Anecdotal Birthcontrol (@AnecdtlBrthCtrl) April 19, 2018

It's all fun and games until your toddler has a stage 5 meltdown in aisle 7 because their shoe started feeling weird.

— The Real American Dadass (@R_A_Dadass) August 25, 2016

1 yo- Steals my cookie

Also 1 yo- Has a tantrum because I didn't have a glass of milk he could steal to dunk the cookie in.

— Anecdotal Birthcontrol (@AnecdtlBrthCtrl) October 14, 2018

Toddler had a meltdown because she got water on her arm while I was filling up her bath and I had the audacity to decline to dry her off. Kid, you’re about to be sitting in water. #toddlerAF

— Mom On The Rocks (@mom_ontherocks) January 28, 2019

2yo: Daddy, look at my shirt

Me: Ooh, is that My Little Pony?

2yo: NOOOO! It's MY Little Pony!!

*Throws a 7 minute tantrum*

Wife: Why would you say that?

— RubMor (@QBruby) June 20, 2020

My oldest was eating pasta and sauce last night. He got sauce on his finger and had a meltdown trying to wipe it off because it was "too sticky."

Mind you, he patiently took five minutes to wipe a booger onto his shirt right before that.

[Sigh] kids.

— A Bearer Of Dad News (@HomeWithPeanut) August 27, 2019

2 is currently having a meltdown because he doesn't want his ears anymore but is unable to remove them.

— Anecdotal Birthcontrol (@AnecdtlBrthCtrl) August 30, 2018

If your toddler has never had a meltdown at the dentist because the dentist’s chair doesn't look exactly like the dentist’s chair from Peppa Pig are you even a parent?

— Heather 🏳️🌈🇺🇦✊🏿✊🏾✊🏽 (@dishs_up) May 29, 2019

Sienna just had a meltdown because she won’t accept that Neptune is bigger than Pluto.

Bless her heart…. Wait till she finds out it’s not a planet anymore.

— Malynda Hale (@MalyndaHale) January 29, 2022

Good morning. My 3 year old is throwing a tantrum because I went to the bathroom.

— Jennifer S. White (@yenniwhite) May 10, 2018