There are a handful of things you probably associate with better heart health: regular exercise, a healthy diet and quitting smoking being some of them.
But did you know that getting out in the sunlight, and taking a daily vitamin D supplement in winter, could also work wonders for your ticker?
One study, using data from almost 300,000 UK citizens and published in the International Journal of Epidemiology, suggested having a vitamin D deficiency can cause inflammation in the body, which could then contribute to heart and circulatory disease.
And another, from the University of Leeds, found a daily dose of vitamin D improved heart function in those with chronic heart failure.
Dr Christopher Broyd, consultant cardiologist at Nuffield Health Brighton Hospital, told The Independent: “A lack of sunlight exposure can lead to vitamin D deficiency, which has been linked to higher blood pressure, inflammation, and an increased risk of heart disease.
“Safe sun exposure or supplementation can help maintain heart health.”
How much vitamin D is enough?
It’s worth noting that between April and September, sunlight and a healthy balanced diet is enough to meet most people’s vitamin D needs in the UK.
Foods rich in vitamin D include salmon, sardines, red meat, liver, eggs and some fortified foods like cereal and spreads.
Studies have found about 5-10 minutes of sun exposure on the arms and legs; or the hands, arms and face; two or three times a week is sufficient.
In the winter though, it can be harder to get enough sunlight to meet our needs.
The British Heart Foundation (BHF) suggests that between October and March the UK’s light levels aren’t strong enough, which is why it suggests a daily 10mcg vitamin D supplement. The UK government also backs this approach.
Babies up to the age of one need 8.5 to 10 micrograms of vitamin D a day, according to the NHS. Those on formula milk will already be getting this as their milk is fortified with the vitamin, however breastfed babies will need an additional supplement.
Here’s to a happy heart.