Ivanka Trump's 'Incredible' Weekend In The Wild Does Not Go Down Well

Critics noted the hypocrisy of President Donald Trump's daughter celebrating nature.

Ivanka Trump drew ire for sharing photos of her camping trip on social media over the weekend.

President Donald Trump’s daughter and adviser posted a series of snaps from her family outing to Twitter and Instagram, including this image she captioned “Where the wild things are...”

Where the wild things are... pic.twitter.com/HPQVkEruwH

— Ivanka Trump (@IvankaTrump) August 16, 2019

And this picture, with husband Jared Kushner, in which she called the weekend “incredible.”

The sun has set on an incredible weekend. 🧡 pic.twitter.com/B0EVg2Doqi

— Ivanka Trump (@IvankaTrump) August 19, 2019

Some people noted how the Trump administration (of which she is a part) had only last week weakened the Endangered Species Act protecting threatened animals and plants.

Others pointed out how her father’s immigration policies have separated families on the US-Mexico border ― and that her brothers Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump have previously hunted big-game animals on safari in Africa.

Umm since you seem to like nature could you tell daddy to leave our endangered species alone, and lay off the bees, he’s taking it a little far to get even with one eagle

— Lolo (@LoisBanaszkiew1) August 17, 2019

just off camera: her brothers killing all the wild things for sport https://t.co/b0pvkABRLD

— shauna (@goldengateblond) August 18, 2019

Wow, look at that beautiful sky, those amazing trees, and lovely plants... all being destroyed because your administration refuses to care about the earth or believe in climate change.

— Anonymous White House Official (@littledeekay) August 17, 2019

So happy you get to enjoy nature. Future generations won’t get that opportunity after your father destroys any and all environmental protections. But wow!! Great insta!!

— kris fitch (@mngopherbroke) August 17, 2019

So how does this nature-loving tweet square with daddy's roll back of pollution standards, weakening EPA, & cancelling the Endangered Species Act?

— 🍑MickeyFoon🍑 (@mickeyfoon) August 18, 2019

How sweet. Why not do something about the children in cages taken from their parents by your Dad?

— Matthew Lumby (@MatthewLumby) August 18, 2019

If only there were some sort of Agency to Protect the Environment. An Environmental Protection Agency, if you will.

— Steve Hofstetter (@SteveHofstetter) August 18, 2019

Is there an #EndangeredSpecies hiding behind you or have your brothers shot them all?
You just gutted the #EndangeredSpeciesAct #GFY

— earthcreature 🌊🐝 (@mikejaxsid2) August 18, 2019

That's actually a sweet picture. And makes me wish I was less furious about you and your husband having a bunch of roles in government that you're manifestly unqualified for.

— Michael Marshall Smith (@ememess) August 17, 2019

Don’t worry, your father and this administration are working hard to sell all our “wild things” off to the highest bidder.... that spot you’re standing should be some sort of pipeline by lunch.

— Jaime Primak (@JaimePrimak) August 18, 2019

Don't see any wild things ???, did your brothers shoot them all ??

— Brettus (@BrettPatrickPo1) August 19, 2019

There aren't any because your brothers killed all of them

— CorgisRule JB's Life (@RuleCorgis) August 18, 2019

Wow, they look so happy to not be in cages and denied basic hygiene.

— Marcella (@marcellalaluna) August 18, 2019

No "incredible weekends" available for the traumatized immigrant children that daddy boss incarcerates.
Collaboration cheerfully provided every single day by this national security clearence deficient couple.

— TribeWilson (@PressEthics) August 19, 2019

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