James O'Brien Calmly Demolishes Leave Voter During Hilariously Mind-Blowing Call-In

'Well, look we used to own three thirds of the world.'

James O’Brien today broadcast possibly the most entertaining yet frustrating six minutes of his radio career as he took on a caller named Wayne.

The LBC host was discussing Vince Cable’s comments over the weekend in which said he was beginning to think Brexit might never happen.

The Lib Dem MP argued that if the British public saw a drop in living standards and a rise in unemployment then they would think again about leaving the EU.

Wayne however, seemed determined to prove Cable wrong and demonstrate that even when presented with cold, hard facts, some Leave voters would simply refuse to listen.

Listen to the clip above or read the transcript below - it’s long, but totally worth it, especially when Wayne talks about his holidays.

Cable isn’t the only person to currently be expressing doubts over Brexit - speaking on the Newsnight last week, Nicholas Watt said the economy and Labour’s better-than-expected performance in the General Election has some people spooked.

"I am beginning to hear talk in some quarters that Brexit may not actually happen" reports @nicholaswatt #newsnight pic.twitter.com/GveKN7XvkP

— BBC Newsnight (@BBCNewsnight) July 5, 2017

He said: “I have to say I am beginning to hear talk in some quarters that Brexit may not actually happen.

“I spoke to one Leave supporter who now fears that a combination of a stalling economy and investor fear over a possible [Jeremy] Corbyn premiership could create a storm that would stall Brexit.

“I spoke to another person who’s familiar with the Brexit process who said to me that there’s a strong chance that it may not actually happen.”

June saw a “triple whammy” of disappointing economic news as growth in both the service sector and construction and manufacturing industries slowed whilst inflation hit a four-year high of 2.9%, well above the Bank of England’s target of 2%.


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