Jeremy Corbyn Holds Manchester Victory Rally For Andy Burnham Without Him

'Where's Andy?'
Jeremy Corbyn. Not pictured: Andy Burnham
Jeremy Corbyn. Not pictured: Andy Burnham
Anthony Devlin via Getty Images

Jeremy Corbyn has held a victory rally in one of the few places Labour actually won - but the winner didn’t show up.

After a disastrous performance in local elections across the UK, Corbyn staged a rally on Friday evening on the steps of the Manchester Convention Centre, after Andy Burnham easily won the race for Greater Manchester’s newly created mayoralty.

This led people to assume, logically enough, that Burnham would be there.

But he wasn’t.

Campaigns and Elections chair Andrew Gwynne speaks at the rally
Campaigns and Elections chair Andrew Gwynne speaks at the rally
Anthony Devlin via Getty Images
There were a sea of red flags behind Corbyn as he spoke
There were a sea of red flags behind Corbyn as he spoke
Anthony Devlin via Getty Images
Filmmaker Ken Loach, one of Corbyn's biggest supporters in the arts, was there. But Andy Burnham wasn't.
Filmmaker Ken Loach, one of Corbyn's biggest supporters in the arts, was there. But Andy Burnham wasn't.
Anthony Devlin via Getty Images

Journalists reported the Labour leader’s arrival - without the man who had just won an election.

Corbyn here. No Burnham

— Beth Rigby (@BethRigby) May 5, 2017

"Er, where's Andy Andrew?"#wheresandy

— Beth Rigby (@BethRigby) May 5, 2017

They're having a rally to celebrate winning Manchester without the man who won it. Speechless (not them, me)

— Beth Rigby (@BethRigby) May 5, 2017

Instead of hearing from the new mayor of Greater Mcr we get Gorton candidate Afzal Khan shouting "tory tory tory, out out out."

— Helen Pidd (@helenpidd) May 5, 2017

Now Andrew Gwynne MP is urging activists to sell a positive message of a society for the many and not for the few. #WheresBurnham?

— Helen Pidd (@helenpidd) May 5, 2017

As Corbyn settled into addressng a comfortable crowd on familiar themes, it emerged Lucy Powell, who is seeking re-election as the area’s Labour MP, was also not invited.

@BethRigby I didn't get invited (and it's my constituency!)

— Lucy Powell (@LucyMPowell) May 5, 2017

Good god. Andy Burnham isn't here and the local MP not invited.

— Beth Rigby (@BethRigby) May 5, 2017

Amazing - Corbyn is having a victory rally in Manchester and Burnham hasn't turned up and the local MP was not invited - see @BethRigby

— Harry Cole (@MrHarryCole) May 5, 2017

Labour grabbing a PR defeat from the jaws of a rare electoral victory...

— Paul McNamara (@PGMcNamara) May 5, 2017

Conflicting explanations began to fly as to why Burnham wasn’t there.

A Labour source told Rigby he had other commitments.

Labour source tells me; Burnham had other commitments but the pair will
be at the campaign launch together on Tuesday in Manchester.

— Beth Rigby (@BethRigby) May 5, 2017

But HuffPost UK’s Paul Waugh was told Burnham knew nothing of Corbyn’s visit until he was shown en email to members of Momentum, the pro-Corbyn group within the party.

Source: First Andy Burnham knew of JC visit was when he was shown an email to Momentum members. No one in team JC invited him directly

— Paul Waugh (@paulwaugh) May 5, 2017

While Kevin Schofield, editor of Politics Home, heard Burnham had told Labour colleagues he wouldn’t be photographed with Corbyn after such a bad set of results for the party.

Told Burnham told Labour MPs he wasn't going to let Corbyn have a good picture on a day hundreds of labour colleagues lost their seats.

— Kevin Schofield (@PolhomeEditor) May 5, 2017

Waugh reported that the sudden Corbyn visit went ahead in the expectation Burnham would have no choice but to show up.

Corbyn told the crowd of around 200 supporters: “I have been in touch with Andy to congratulate him and he’s already hard at work on behalf of the people of the Greater Manchester region.

“And I congratulate all our mayoral candidates for the work they did.

“Our message now has to be to challenge the Tories. Absolutely challenge them.”

When asked later about Burnham’s absence, Corbyn said: “Andy’s busy working for Manchester already, don’t worry about that. We’ll be here again this week.”

Powell said Corbyn’s office apologised for the failure to invite her which was a “simple mistake”.

@BethRigby Jeremy's office has apologised as it was a simple mistake.

— Lucy Powell (@LucyMPowell) May 5, 2017

Tory James Cleverly, who is also seeking re-election, called it a “level of discourtesy is unforgivable” and mocked the rally going ahead without Burnham.

@LucyMPowell @BethRigby We all expect incompetence from Corbyn but this level of discourtesy is unforgivable.

— James Cleverly (@JamesCleverly) May 5, 2017

Checklist for @AndyBurnhammp victory rally

Tame crowd✅
Communist style flags✅
Fawning loyalist MPs✅
Local Labour MP❌
Winning candidate❌

— James Cleverly (@JamesCleverly) May 5, 2017

Labour won the uncompetitive Greater Manchester and Liverpool mayoralties but lost in traditional strongholds such as the Tees Valley.

The West Midlands, which covers cities where Labour has historically done well, narrowly elected Tory Andy Street as mayor.

In a thinly-veiled swipe at Corbyn, defeated Labour candidate Sion Simon said: “We can’t duck the reality of what we heard in the places we won on the streets of cities and towns like Birmingham, Coventry, Wolverhampton and Sandwell.

“Traditional working class voters, who we were born to serve, quite simply want to hear a clearer, stronger message about traditional values like patriotism, hard work and a defence of decency, law and order.”


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