Lara Trump’s Bonkers Claim About Donald Trump Falls Apart In Just Minutes

She said "pretty much everything" her father-in-law said had come true. Critics beg to differ.

Lara Trump’s latest bold claim about her father-in-law, Donald Trump, got a near-instant fact-check on Monday.

During an appearance on Newsmax, Lara Trump ― wife of Eric Trump ― crowed about special prosecutor John Durham’s report criticising the FBI’s handling of the Russia investigation.

“How many times has what he said actually come true? Pretty much everything he ever talked about – and, by the way, he was mocked for saying – have all come true,” she said.

The former president had claimed Durham would uncover “the crime of the century.” Instead, the report called the FBI’s activities “extremely troublesome,” and concluded the agency shouldn’t have launched its collusion probe, but did not recommend new charges or “wholesale changes” to guidelines or policy.

Trump’s critics were quick to point out that that’s a far cry from “pretty much everything he ever talked about” coming true, especially given that he made more than 30,000 false or misleading claims during his four years in office, according to a Washington Post tally.

They quickly fired back on Twitter:

He said the Continental Army took over airports during the Revolutionary War

— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) May 16, 2023

So drinking bleach does cure Covid?

— Marty McKee (@MartyMcKee) May 16, 2023

He said he was building a border wall in Colorado.

— Popular Monster 🖤 (@Doxy6661) May 16, 2023

Oh, @LaraLeaTrump. He didn't even finish the wall -- and Mexico didn't pay for it.

— Grace Alexander (@GraceAl38236563) May 16, 2023

“Comprehensive healthcare plan in two weeks!”

— Arnold Ziffel 🇺🇸 (@DontMessWMurphy) May 16, 2023

Guy can’t even remember when his wife is in the same room, but sure.

— ccpotts (@ccpotts2) May 16, 2023

Not only did he not finish the wall without Mx paying for it, but he had his buddy Steve Bannon stealing from a build the wall fund, then he get caught, and goes to jail - the kicker: Trump pardoned him for stealing from his own base

— PPLPLZR (@PPL_PLZR_) May 16, 2023

Still waiting for Trump’s investigators to come back with the big evidence from Hawaii on Obama’s birth certificate .. remember that ? He said in a couple weeks we were going to see some “very interesting things “.. that was like 6 years ago.. still waiting

— Pancho Johnson (@JohnnyJonJon007) May 16, 2023

We can still inject disinfect into our bodies, right? That cures COVID. And that 51 miles of a flimsy border wall that’s always falling down. But it’s good, he put that Trump plaque on it. Oh, “chant, who’s going to pay for the wall? MEXICO!!! We could play this game for days…

— Cindy Lou 🟧🌻 (@tcevans87) May 16, 2023

He said he won 2020.

Was great seeing him wrong about that.

— RJ Swinton (@RicoSuaveJD) May 16, 2023

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