Laura Kuenssberg Booed And Hissed By Labour Supporters At Jeremy Corbyn Speech

BBC political editor had not even said a word

BBC political editor Laura Kuenssberg was hissed and booed by "pathetic" Labour supporters as she tried to ask a question of Jeremy Corbyn on Thursday morning.

Following a pro-EU speech by the Labour leader in central-London, Kuenssberg pressed Corbyn on whether he had failed to get his 'Remain' message across to voters.

But before she could even speak a word, some in the audience turned on her with "extraordinary hostility".

Corbyn smiled before then telling the crowd to "shh".

The Labour leader also told ITV's Chris Ship the media was partly to blame for Labour supporters being unclear on which side of the debate the party was campaigning.

Corbyn also mentioned importance of free press in his speech ...just sayin

— Laura Kuenssberg (@bbclaurak) June 2, 2016

In his speech advocating EU membership, Corbyn sad: "The European Convention on Human Rights, empowering citizens to hold the Government accountable has strengthened our rights as citizens and stopped the Government gagging free speech and a free press."

Shadow cabinet minsiter Lord Falconer told The Huffington Post: "It was a good speech, marred by the appalling hissing of the media."

He added: "We should be doing nothing that's detrimental to the media doing their job".

Journalists are people doing their job. A party that stands up for workers' rights should not allow them to be booed and hissed at. End of.

— Wes Streeting MP (@wesstreeting) June 2, 2016

In a Vice News documentary about Corbyn released yesterday, Corbyn attacked the BBC for anti-Labour bias.

“There is not one story on any election anywhere the UK that the BBC will not spin into a problem for me,” he said.”It’s obsessive beyond belief.”

Hissed and booed: BBC political editor Laura Kuenssberg
Hissed and booed: BBC political editor Laura Kuenssberg
Dominic Lipinski/PA Archive

Corbyn also took aim at the “baseless and narrow” views of political columnists. "The one thing I have learnt over the past six-months or so is how shallow, facile and ill-informed many of the supposed well-informed major commentators are in our media," he said.

Other journalists jumped to Kuenssberg's defence.

So @bbclaurak is invited to ask a question. The audience decide to boo and hiss before she has even asked one. Disgraceful behaviour

— Chris Ship (@chrisshipitv) June 2, 2016

Laura Kuenssberg just got booed by Labour supporters for wanting to ask Corbyn a question. Pathetic. People need to get a grip.

— Conor Pope (@Conorpope) June 2, 2016

Quite right too. Laura is a brilliant journalist

— Kay Burley (@KayBurley) June 2, 2016

Loud hiss from audience of Labour activists at @jeremycorbyn speech when @bbclaurak is called for a qu. Nasty. She is doing her job.

— Heather Stewart (@GuardianHeather) June 2, 2016

That moment when Corbyn failed to condemn hissing of @bbclaurak was v revealing. Reminded me of EdM not criticising boos of Blair at Labconf

— Paul Waugh (@paulwaugh) June 2, 2016

It is not the first time Kuenssberg has been targeted by Labour supporters. A petition was launched demanding she be sacked for coverage of Corbyn.

The petition was removed by its creator in May after Kuenssberg was subject to "sexist bullying", with David Cameron among those condemning an online "witch hunt" against her.

"Some of the things people say on Twitter, knowing that they are in some way anonymous, are frankly appalling and people should be ashamed of the sort of sexist bullying that often takes place," he said.


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