Louis Smith Laughs Off Critics Who Claims He's Sour Over Gymnastics Silver

He's poked fun at himself crying in the process.

Team GB had a fantastic day in the gymnastics on day nine of the Olympics, with Max Whitlock taking two golds and Louis Smith winning a silver.

But some people claimed that Smith had refused to congratulate his teammate after he was pipped to gold in the pommel horse.

Louis Smith I don't care how gutted you are - you've just shaken the American's hand & not even congratulated your own team mate? #Rio2016

— Francesca (@fransbeautyblog) August 14, 2016

Louis Smith has no sportsmanship in him, sour winner/loser, he should be ashamed of himself. #Rio2016

— emma hardman (@ej09) August 14, 2016

Sour grapes from Louis Smith. Congratulating USA but not Max. Must be hard for him but still....#Rio2016 #TeamGB #SuperSunday

— Ashleigh Carroll (@AshleighCarrol) August 14, 2016

The Daily Mail even labelled him "miserable" in its splash:

Daily Mail

But Smith was quick to set the record straight.

First he tweeted his congratulations to Whitlock:

I'm so relieved. What a pommel final!! @maxwhitlock1 a true champion . So happy to be hear and do my best. I owe so much to my coach Paul ❤

— Louis Smith MBE (@louissmith1989) August 14, 2016

And then proceeded to correct those claiming he had refused to congratulate him at the time.

He also retweeted a picture of his reaction to being nudged off the top spot by Whitlock:

@stevenoulton @louissmith1989 @OK_Magazine this is Louis's reaction straight after Max beat his score. pic.twitter.com/vu6czSLBn9

— (((Dan Kent))) (@DanKent_Mhub) August 14, 2016

He then went on laugh off the criticism, posting a series of tweets about his mum’s reaction to watching him and poking fun at himself...

I!! didn't win this medal.. My mum, my agent, my sports therapists, my Nan (RIP) my friends. "WE.. won this Medal!!" pic.twitter.com/juILiYzuuO

— Louis Smith MBE (@louissmith1989) August 14, 2016

Just watched the sweetest video of my mum watching my competition routine..... Yes I cried again 🙈

— Louis Smith MBE (@louissmith1989) August 15, 2016

My mum hiding with her friend watching my competition.... Exactly how I imagined her being.. 😂❤️ pic.twitter.com/ZWW2AAL160

— Louis Smith MBE (@louissmith1989) August 15, 2016

Well played Louis, well played.

In an emotional BBC interview, Smith said that the silver win was “just incredible” and explained how his performance in the team event had left him shaken.

An emotional Louis Smith has been speaking to @BBCSport following his silver medal win. #Rio2016 https://t.co/Z6SwupPxj8

— BBC Sport (@BBCSport) August 14, 2016

He said: “I received so many negative comments when the team selection was made saying I shouldn’t be in the team.

“To have messed up in the team final and to have just over a week until now, I was dealing with a lot emotionally and mentally. It just means so much.”

He added: “It means so much.”

Team GB was left disappointed after finishing four place in the men’s team gymnastics on day three at the Olympics, with Smith being blamed by some after he fell during his pommel horse routine.

Although he was not injured in the tumble, the lost points didn’t help in Team GB’s bid to replicate their 2012 bronze win.


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