This Dad Made A Cardboard Piece Of Toast So He Could Find The Perfect Toaster

Absolute genius.

There’s nothing more frustrating than putting your bread in the toaster, only to find the ratio is completely off and a third of your bread isn’t even warm, let alone toasted.

Knowing this feeling of utter disappointment all too well, one man decided to think outside the box. The dad (/hero), who remains anonymous, cut out a bread-shaped piece of cardboard – helpfully labelled ‘toast’ – and took it to Currys so he could buy a toaster deep enough for his desired size of bread.

My best friend's dad made a template of toast to take to Currys because he was sick of toasters not being deep enough. It's labelled and everything! Wish I'd done that. ❤️😄

— Sumudu (@sumudutweets) February 11, 2019

A family friend shared the man’s brilliant trick on Twitter, with a photo of said cardboard toast, where it received almost 16,000 likes and thousands of comments. “Wish I’d done that,” she wrote.

Some people pointed out that useless toasters are... THE WORST.

Making and then selling useless toasters is a symptom of all that is wrong with the modern world.

— zen cat (@zencatzen) February 11, 2019

Others wanted nothing more than to let the man know that surely he should’ve labelled his cardboard creation ‘bread’. C’mon guys.

If it hasn’t been in the toaster yet, shouldn’t it be labelled ‘bread’?! Love his idea though!

— Helen Williams (@helenburdess) February 11, 2019

Would it be more accurate to label it "bread"?

— Michael Baum (@Michael_travel1) February 11, 2019

The tweet also prompted some (very smart) people to share their brilliant hacks for buying goods. One family took a tennis ball sofa shopping so they could find a seat which was low enough to prevent their dog’s ball from rolling underneath.

When my family shopped for a new sofa it was crucial that the dog couldn't deliberately roll his ball under it, (for dog fun seemingly) so we took a tennis ball and tested it under all the sofas

— Maisie (@Maisinator) February 11, 2019

Another went to extreme lengths to make sure her Christmas decoration could be held properly by a Christmas tree branch.

I once made a little muslin bag the exact weight of a precious Christmas ornament and tried out dozens of trees to find one strong enough to hold it safely. I got LOTS of strange looks!! But my glass TARDIS is safe on the tree 😁

— Ang W (@appletreeang) February 11, 2019

And someone else cut out a slice of pizza from paper to decide what size plates he needed.

How do you decide what size plates you need? Make a cut out pizza of course.

"What are you drawing?"
"That's the pepperoni!"

— Richard B. (@youlooklovely) February 11, 2019

We’re totally on board.
