Matt Damon's Daughter Won't Watch Good Will Hunting For One Very Teenager-y Reason

She obviously doesn't like them apples.

Matt Damon’s daughter acts like a typical teenager when it comes to viewing ― and praising ― her famous father’s most well-known movies.

The actor revealed during an interview with CBS’s Sunday Morning that his 15-year-old, Isabella, prefers to watch her father’s greatest flops and “give him shit” over some of his career choices, rather than watch anything he was “good” in.

The revelation arose after CBS News correspondent Seth Doane asked Damon whether people still connected him with Good Will Hunting.

“Sure, yeah ― fewer and fewer,” the actor said. “You know, younger people don’t know it as much. You know, my 15-year-old refuses to see it. She doesn’t want to see any movies that I’m in that she thinks might be good.”

“She just likes to give me shit,” Damon said, as he and Doane laughed. “My daughter said, ‘Yeah, remember that movie you did, The Wall?’ I said, ‘It was called The Great Wall.’ She goes, ‘Dad there’s nothing great about that movie.’”

Damon said his daughter “keeps my feet firmly on that ground.”

How do you like them apples?

"She just likes to give me sh*t."

Academy Award winner Matt Damon talks with Seth Doane about shooting his new film “Stillwater,” and what his daughter thinks of some of his past films

— CBS Sunday Morning 🌞 (@CBSSunday) July 15, 2021

The actor, who shares four daughters with his wife, Luciana, has previously spoken about his kids’ opposition to watching Good Will Hunting.

“It’s total resistance,” the Bourne Identity star told People in 2019. “I am kind of trying to force them, it’s not working.”

“I’m like, ‘Are you sure you don’t want to see Good Will Hunting? You know your dad and Uncle Ben wrote it, right?’” he said, adding that his kids usually answer with a ‘Yeah, dad, I know.’”

Damon did admit that there was one movie that resonated with his kids: the 2015 movie The Martian, a choice he called “odd.”

Matt Damon and Ben Affleck attend the premiere of Warner Bros. Pictures' "Live by Night" on Jan. 9, 2017, in Hollywood.
Matt Damon and Ben Affleck attend the premiere of Warner Bros. Pictures' "Live by Night" on Jan. 9, 2017, in Hollywood.
Frazer Harrison via Getty Images

“I never was going to show it to them because I felt like it was kind of a movie for [adults],” he told People. “But their classmates had seen it and so other parents at the school were saying, ‘Oh my daughter loved it.’”

“I put it on for the kids at home,” he said, adding that he downloaded it from iTunes and narrated some of it for his family.

“That was the one until [they watched ‘Ford v Ferrari’], because they came to the premiere,” Damon said. “So, that was cool. So, they’ve seen two of them.”


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