Matt Damon And His Sexual Misconduct 'Spectrum' Have Not Gone Down Well On Social Media

'So grateful we have him to tell us which sexual assaults are bad, and which are just meh.'

Matt Damon has come under fire again after weighing in on the ongoing sexual harassment allegations being made against key figures in Hollywood.

The ‘Downsizing’ actor, who has hit headlines previously for his comments on the Harvey Weinstein scandal, this time shared his view that when it comes to sexual misconduct, he feels there is a “spectrum” on which certain behaviour falls.

Matt Damon
Matt Damon
Noam Galai via Getty Images

And then... he continued talking.

Matt then talked a little more, this time providing specific examples from the past few months and explaining where on his “spectrum” he thinks these incidents fell.

Matt "right?" Damon
Matt "right?" Damon
Steve Granitz via Getty Images

On what he called “the Louis C.K. thing”, he admitted to not knowing “all the details”, but surmised that from reading the comedian’s statement, Matt “[doesn’t] imagine [Louis C.K.] is going to do those things again”.

Matt went on to say that were a friend of his to be accused he would “know the real story” from them, putting the cherry on a cake which a lot of people on social media seem reluctant to cut themselves a slice of:

Good mid-morning to everyone except Matt Damon and his 'sexual assault spectrum'.

— Alice Tew (@BuckinghamAlice) December 15, 2017

I’m so grateful we have Matt Damon to tell us which sexual assaults and/or harassment are bad, and which are just meh

— B (@janeaustenplot) December 15, 2017

Seriously? Does he know what it’s like to have his ass patted by a person who is so much bigger and stronger than him that he’s terrified the unwanted touching WON’T STOP THERE? Fuck you, Matt Damon.

— Kimberly Loomis (@musicians_wife) December 15, 2017

God, the flipping ego on this jackass.
Will someone please inform Matt Damon that he is not, in fact, the guy with all the answers? You don't have to be nice about it.

— Tom & Lorenzo (@tomandlorenzo) December 15, 2017

Why is anyone asking Matt Damon about how he feels about Sexual Harassment? Because we are short on white men’s opinions about how women should feel about it? Because a man needs to weigh in on how women should feel? Stop. Asking. The. Men.

— Denike (@de_nike) December 15, 2017

Thank you Matt Damon for mansplaining sexual harassment/assault to us women we sure do need your opinion

— tanya poole (@tanyakpoole) December 15, 2017

Matt Damon should immediately fire whatever idiot PR team is advising him on media interviews and how he fields questions regarding sexual harassment.

— Kristy Campbell (@kristymcampbell) December 15, 2017

Matt Damon really needs to stop espousing his opinion as though it’s fact... 🙄 no, there isn’t a spectrum. There’s male entitlement and abuse of power and the need to control. They all stem from the same cultural belief.

— Vicki Lamb (@vix_lamb) December 15, 2017

Matt Damon can kindly STFU about the subject of rape, and sexual harassment. The key to stopping it isn't "raising empowered daughters" it's raising sons who don't rape, you idiot.

— Countess Frogula (@Frogula) December 15, 2017

Wow, Matt Damon. Turns out you really are an idiot. If only one day you could know how it feels to have your boobs or ass groped without consent, then maybe you’d change your ridiculous statements. Don’t even get me started on anything else he had to say...

— Hannah (@TheHaltertops) December 15, 2017

Matt Damon shares how tone deaf he is re sexual harassment when it involves himself, his buddies and/or people he's a fan of w/ @vulture

— AHUS (@AmericaHatesUs) December 15, 2017

I’m so glad Matt Damon is an expert on what type of sexual predator and or harasser will re-offend or not. Cause if they sincerely apologize that means they won’t do it again.

— SheBreathes™ (@SheBreathes) December 15, 2017

Also, headline notwithstanding, I suspect Matt Damon has still more bad opinions on sexual harassment & assault to share with us.

— Janet D. Stemwedel (@docfreeride) December 15, 2017

HuffPost UK has reached out to Matt Damon’s representative for further comment.

Matt previously backtracked on claims he had known nothing about the accusations against Harvey Weinstein prior to actresses coming forward with their stories earlier this year.

He also spoke out to address rumours he’d been responsible for “shutting down” a story that would have blown the lid off the movie mogul’s misconduct.

Weinstein has faced a string of sexual assault and sexual harassment accusations, but has “unequivocally denied” any allegations of non-consensual relationships.


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