Man Found Guilty Of Melbourne Car Attack After Jury Deliberates For Less Than An Hour

James Gargasoulas, 28, has been convicted on six counts of murder.
The January 2017 incident left six people dead
The January 2017 incident left six people dead
Press Association

A 28-year-old has been found guilty of six counts of murder after driving a car through a pedestrian-only street in Melbourne.

Jurors took less than an hour to find James Gargasoulas guilty of all 33 charges against him, including 27 counts of reckless conduct endangering life.

Gargasoulas pleaded not guilty to all of the counts at Melbourne Supreme Court, but admitted driving through the city’s busy Bourke Street mall and along pavements in January 2017, causing death and injury.


Evil killer James Gargasoulas has been found guilty of murdering six people and injuring 27 others in the Bourke St rampage.

The jury took less than an hour to reach its verdict.

— Herald Sun (@theheraldsun) November 13, 2018

He told the court he believed he had received God’s permission, through a premonition, to hit people with the stolen car he was driving but not to kill anyone.

Jurors heard he had a mental illness but did not use this as a defence.

He said: “I apologise from my heart but that’s not going to fix anything… neither will a lengthy sentence fix what I done.”

Before the jury retired, Justice Mark Weinberg said they must accept Gargasoulas’ admissions as established facts, and that because his psychosis and delusions at the time of the rampage were drug-induced, he could not argue he was not guilty by way of mental impairment.

The victims ranged in age from three months to 33 years old, and a lawyer representing the families of five murder victims told reporters they were grateful for the verdict.

“This was an intentional, callous act by Mr Gargasoulas that has stolen six innocent victims from the people that love them,” the lawyer, Genna Angelowitsch, said outside court.

Gargasoulas will be sentenced in January.


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