Met Office Weather Forecasters Predict UK Will Be Warmer Than Tenerife

Let's hold out for that heady 18C.

Following a week of unsettled weather culminating in snow, ice and storms, this weekend is set to be a welcoming, warm and sunny treat.

The last of the rain is set to fall across the far south of the country overnight on Thursday, ahead of an even run of dry and calm conditions taking us into next week.

Though Friday, Saturday and Sunday are set to be warm and bright, there will be a band of wind across the south which may temper the sunshine.

It could be deckchair weather
It could be deckchair weather
Richard Boll via Getty Images

Temperatures at the weekend could reach 18C in the west of the UK, making it hotter than Tenerife, which is currently recording highs of 17C.

More centrally, the mercury is expected to nudge 16-17C.

Despite the high temperatures, we’re still in for some cold and frosty nights.

We will see some cold and frosty nights this weekend but also pleasantly warm temperatures by day - we call this a large 'diurnal range'

— Met Office (@metoffice) March 23, 2017

This large variation in temperature – known as a “diurnal range” occurs because the ground is still cool at this time of year, meaning that come darkness, we lose all the heat of the day as there are no reserves from the ground keeping the air warm.

This will mean a chilly start in the mornings, but things will gradually warm up once the sun rises.


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