Michelle Mone's PPE Admission Has Plenty Of People Saying The Exact Same Thing

The Tory peer just revealed she does stand to benefit from her husband's £60 million PPE profit made during the pandemic.
Baroness Michelle Mone
Baroness Michelle Mone
BBC/Laura Kuenssberg

Conservative peer Michelle Mone just admitted that she stands to benefit from hefty PPE sales made during the pandemic – so people up and down the country are all calling for the abolition of the House of Lords.

After two years of denying such reports, Baroness Mone and her husband Doug Barrowman just confirmed that his consortium – PPE Medpro – had agreed to a £202 million contract with the government after the Covid outbreak.

Barrowman said this created a £60 million profit which he has put in a family trust, and which Baroness Mone will be able to access if her husband dies first.

Speaking to the BBC over the weekend, Baroness Mone claimed: “The only error that I have made is to say to the press that I wasn’t involved. I don’t see there is a case to answer. I can’t see what we’ve done wrong. It’s not a crime.”

The government is suing PPE Medpro for a breach of contract.

The couple also told the BBC they are under investigation by the National Crime Agency (NCA) over allegations of conspiracy to defraud, fraud by false representation and bribery.

Baroness Mone, who founded the lingerie firm Ultimo, took a leave of absence from the Lords a year ago to “clear her name” as speculation over the PPE sales grew.

She was not suspended from the Lords, as energy efficiencies minister Lord Callanan wrongly claimed on Monday morning.

Callanan also told Sky News that he hoped “she would see sense”, and “she would not be coming back to the House of Lords”.

Mone, who became a lifetime peer in 2015 under David Cameron’s watch, can return to the Lords any time she wants.

It is possible to remove a peerage, according to the Lords official website, but it is “very difficult” and can only happen through “an act of parliament” according to the Titles Deprivation Act 1917.

No additional laws to tackle the issue have been introduced since, although there are some rules to cancel or suspend someone’s membership to the Lords in exceptional circumstances.

So, it’s not exactly surprising that Baroness Mone’s interview has X (formerly Twitter) calling for the House of Lords to be abolished altogether.

A reminder this morning that it's almost impossible to remove someone from the House of Lords or strip them of a peerage. To do so requires an act of Parliament. pic.twitter.com/qVEqF7ybiw

— Otto English (@Otto_English) December 18, 2023

Anyway, good morning and abolish the House of Lords.

— Debora Robertson 🦀 (@lickedspoon) December 18, 2023

Abolishing the House of Lords was first proposed by Labour in 1910.

114 years later it needs doing even more than ever. pic.twitter.com/GthHwf036T

— BladeoftheSun (@BladeoftheS) December 17, 2023

How on earth did Michelle Mone end up in the House of Lords. Utterly sick of the abuse & undermining of our democracy by shoving people in the HoL for abs no good reason. And FWIW I don’t believe a word of what she & her husband are spouting on #BBCLauraK https://t.co/gsbec7wNm6

— Anna Soubry 🖤🤍🇺🇦 🇪🇺 🇬🇧 (@Anna_Soubry) December 17, 2023

Michelle Mone, "I was just acting the same way as every other Baroness or Lord who also put names forward. There's lots of us"

Did any of the other members of the House of Lords behave in a similar way? I'd ask Met police to investigate but as with partygate, at most we could… pic.twitter.com/8e4Kr9EScR

— Farrukh (@implausibleblog) December 17, 2023

Plenty Of X users were also furious with Baroness Mone, of course.

Listen to Michelle Mone try to explain that her *family* has not made tens of millions of pounds. It’s just her *husband* who has made tens of millions of pounds pic.twitter.com/KfqPOUVsz2

— Nooruddean (@BeardedGenius) December 17, 2023

“It’s my husband’s money. It’s his money.”

No - it’s our money and we want it back.pic.twitter.com/TOphk1GCZD

— Mike Galsworthy (@mikegalsworthy) December 17, 2023

While others were thinking about the wider picture...

I’d like to know about all the others who made millions during the Johnson years, but — being smarter than Mone or having better lawyers — didn’t get found out.

— Tim Walker (@ThatTimWalker) December 18, 2023

For all the attention on Michelle Mone, let’s not forget that incompetent ministers created a corrupt system through which billions in taxpayer cash was handed to their mates and donors.

None of this would’ve happened if the government hadn’t allowed it to happen.

— Sam Bright (@WritesBright) December 17, 2023

The whole Mone saga, the contracts, the lies, the entitlement and the fake remorse, make me angry beyond belief. Every aspect of it points back to successive Tory PMs.

— Chris Bryant (@RhonddaBryant) December 17, 2023

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