'Most Corrupt President In History': Critics Reel After Trump Lets Roger Stone Stay Free

A "lawless president" treats American justice like his "personal plaything," says Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer.

Donald Trump was bashed Friday as the “most corrupt president in history” after he commuted pal Roger Stone’s prison sentence just days before he was scheduled to be locked up.

Stone was found guilty last year of seven felonies, including lying to Congress, tampering with a witness and obstructing the House investigation into whether the Trump campaign worked with Russia to tip the 2016 election. Stone, a GOP operative and adviser to Trump during the election, was sentenced to more than three years in prison.

Trump stood to benefit from Stone keeping his mouth shut, and Stone said as much Friday to NBC journalist Howard Fineman. “He knows I was under enormous pressure to turn on him,” Stone told Fineman. “It would have eased my situation considerably. But I didn’t.”

Following the president’s action, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) said Trump “has abandoned the rule of law and made a mockery of our democracy,” adding: “He truly is the most corrupt president in history.”

Donald Trump has abandoned the rule of law and made a mockery of our democracy. He truly is the most corrupt president in history. https://t.co/GA7apdmd3Y

— Elizabeth Warren (@SenWarren) July 11, 2020

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.). accused the “lawless president” of treating American justice like his “personal plaything.”

The American ideal of equal justice under the law is once again being undermined by a lawless president who regards the Justice Department as his personal plaything.

By refusing to hold President Trump accountable, the Republican Party bears responsibility for his lawlessness. https://t.co/0VfaL9LYeY

— Chuck Schumer (@SenSchumer) July 11, 2020

New York Democratic Reps. Jerry Nadler, who chairs the House Judiciary Committee, and Carolyn Maloney, who heads the Oversight Committee, said in a joint statement that Trump “abused the powers of his office” to reward “an individual that could directly implicate him in criminal misconduct.”

Nadler also accused Trump of infecting the judicial system with “partisanship and cronyism and attacked the rule of law.”

A jury found Roger Stone guilty. By commuting his sentence, President Trump has infected our judicial system with partisanship and cronyism and attacked the rule of law. @HouseJudiciary will conduct an aggressive investigation into this brazen corruption.https://t.co/saCTTljLAR

— Rep. Nadler (@RepJerryNadler) July 11, 2020

Roger Stone is a criminal who protected Trump and had his sentence commuted because of it. This is yet another example of the blatant corruption & abuse of power that pervades this administration.

There should not be two justice systems in the U.S.—we can and we must do better.

— Cory Booker (@CoryBooker) July 11, 2020

White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany called Stone a “victim of the Russia Hoax that the Left and its allies in the media perpetuated for years in an attempt to undermine the Trump presidency.”

Stone says he will now seek a new trial. The president has commuted his sentence, but he is still a convicted felon.

Stone isn’t the first criminal friend of Trump’s who’s getting a free pass. Trump’s former campaign chairman Paul Manafort was released early from prison in May to serve the rest of his sentence for tax fraud and conspiracy to defraud the government at home. He was released because of coronavirus fears. He served less than a third of his 7.5-year sentence behind bars.

And Attorney General William Barr is battling in court to drop charges against Trump’s former national security adviser Michael Flynn, even though Flynn pleaded guilty — twice — to lying to the FBI about his secret negotiations with a Russian diplomat.

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