Mum And Daughter Get Matching Tattoos To Celebrate The End Of Breast Cancer Treatment

'This is what true love looks like.'

A mother and daughter decided to get matching tattoos to celebrate the end of the mother’s breast cancer treatment.

Veronica Quintanilla was diagnosed with breast cancer for the second time in 2015. After she finished chemotherapy treatment, her daughter, Victoria Vargas, shaved her own head as a symbol of support.

The pair headed straight to a tattoo parlour and each got a pink bow tattooed onto their heads.

Their friend, Debi Bohler Unger, recently shared their story on the Love What Matters Facebook page.

“My friend Veronica Quintanilla had her last day of treatment for cancer. Her daughter shaved her head in support and they both got matching tattoos,” she said.

“The bond between mother and daughter is so beautiful. This is what true love looks like.”

Quintanilla was first diagnosed with breast cancer back in 2004 after she’d recently become divorced with three young children.

She went into remission but sadly, the disease returned in 2015.

She said having older children who are now 17, 19 and 21, made things easier second time around and she was especially thankful for Vargas’ support.

“She just took over the reins. She was going to be in charge. As a mother, it makes you proud,” she told

Although Quintanilla adores their new tattoos, she hopes they are something that will remain hidden after her hair grows back.

“Cancer scars you — internally, externally, on your very soul, it leaves a mark,” she said.

“This is something pretty, a pretty mark I’m choosing to add to my body because of this cancer and the point is to never see it again.”

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