Inventor Who Murdered Journalist Kim Wall On Submarine 'Tries To Escape From Prison'

Peter Madsen killed and dismembered the 30-year-old on board his vessel in 2017.

A Danish submarine inventor jailed for murdering and dismembering a journalist has attempted to escape the prison where he is serving a life sentence.

Peter Madsen, who was convicted of torturing and murdering Swedish reporter Kim Wall in 2017, briefly escaped from Herstedvester Prison in Albertslund on Tuesday morning, The Copenhagen Post reports.

The newspaper says the 49-year-old was apprehended nearby by police snipers. Pictures from the scene appear to show a man surrounded by armed police in the area west of Copenhagen.

Peter Madsen has been caught after his escape
Peter Madsen has been caught after his escape
Scanpix Denmark / Reuters
Kim Wall
Kim Wall

There are reports the escapee had claimed to have a bomb strapped to his person and a police bomb disposal robot was photographed at the scene.

Police said a man had been arrested.

In Denmark, a life sentence equates to 16 years on average but can be extended.

Madsen was convicted of murder, sexual assault and the dismemberment of Wall, 30, after luring her onto his homemade submarine with the promise of an interview.

A police marksman and his dog observe the reported escapee
A police marksman and his dog observe the reported escapee
NILS MEILVANG via Getty Images
Police are at the scene and have brought a bomb-defusing robot amid reports the escapee has explosives on his person
Police are at the scene and have brought a bomb-defusing robot amid reports the escapee has explosives on his person
NILS MEILVANG via Getty Images

Vi arbejder aktuelt på Nyvej i Albertslund, hvor en mand er anholdt efter forsøg på fangeflugt. Vi har undersøgelser på stedet, som er afspærret. Efterkom venligst vores anvisninger. Vi kan p.t. ikke give yderligere info – mere følger senere. #politidk

— Vestegnens Politi (@VestegnsPoliti) October 20, 2020

Madsen denied murdering Wall, saying she died accidentally inside the submarine, but has confessed to throwing her body parts into the Baltic Sea.

The trial heard Wall had “likely had begged for her life” while Madsen carried out “a sadistic, yes, inhuman, sexual fantasy”.

Violent videos in which women were tortured and killed were found on Madsen’s computer, Her cause of death has never been established.


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