Piers Morgan Meets His Match In Bake Off's Prue Leith As She Perfectly Shuts Down Personal Question On 'Good Morning Britain'

She issued one of her trademark death stares.

Anyone who has watched the latest series of ‘The Great British Bake Off’ will know Prue Leith is not one to be messed with - something that Piers Morgan has now learned for himself.

Prue proved herself to be more than a match for the ‘Good Morning Britain’ presenter during an appearance on the ITV breakfast show on Wednesday (4 October).

The TV judge perfectly shut him down as he attempted to ask questions about her “colourful” personal life.

Prue Leith appeared on 'Good Morning Britain' on Wednesday
Prue Leith appeared on 'Good Morning Britain' on Wednesday
ITV/Rex/Shutterstock/Ken McKay

Prue was on the programme to discuss her campaign to monitor food quality standards in hospitals, when Piers tried to change the direction of the interview, but she was having none of it, issuing one of her death stares.

“I certainly have had a good life, and I’ve been running around talking about it,” she said.

“But I shall give you one of my tough stares, Piers, because we are here to talk about hospital food!”

Piers’s co-host Susanna Reid enjoyed watching him being put on the spot, laughing: “Wow, that’s one of the best death stares I have ever seen. You certainly stopped him in his tracks there.”

“That really was quite intimidating!” Piers joked. “And I thought Mary Berry was tough. Wow, the old Prue Leith death stare.”

Prue shut down Piers Morgan's questions
Prue shut down Piers Morgan's questions
ITV/Rex/Shutterstock/Ken McKay

It is not the first time the ‘GMB’ team have had their attempts to broach more personal topics shut down on the show.

Dionne, who was Whitney’s cousin, categorically told them: “We’re not going to discuss that, OK? That’s a bygone conclusion.

“Why would you guys even want to continue to hurt me like that? Because that does hurt? So let’s leave it there.”

‘Good Morning Britain’ airs weekdays at 6am on ITV.


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