Piers Morgan Says Trump Is Failing America With Self-Serving Briefings

The long-time Trump fan lashed out at the president.

Long-time Donald Trump chum and supporter Piers Morgan lashed out at the president on Sunday for failing America amid the Covid-19 crisis.

Morgan, who won Trump’s reality TV show Celebrity Apprentice in 2007, said he’s been watching the president’s daily press briefings on the pandemic with mounting horror.

“All that’s required from the president in those moments, and any world leader, frankly, is they’ve got to be calm, they’ve got to show authority, they have to be honest, they have to be accurate, entirely factual with what they’re telling the people and they have to have an ability to show empathy,” Morgan told Brian Stelter on CNN’s Reliable Sources.

“On almost every level of that, Donald Trump at the moment is failing the American people,” he added.

Morgan said it seemed as if Trump believes it’s more important to win the election in November than defeat the outbreak.

“No, it’s not, Donald Trump,” Morgan said. “What is more important right now is saving American lives.”

Morgan also said the tricks that populist leaders like Trump and British Prime Minister Boris Johnson used to get elected don’t work in a crisis.

“It’s not about partisan politics anymore,” he said. “It’s about plain war crisis leadership.”

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