Poet Ben Okri Captures Grief And Anger After Grenfell Tower Fire In 'Devastating' Eulogy To Victims

'If you want to see how the poor die, come see Grenfell Tower.'

A poet has captured the grief, anger and frustration of local people following the Grenfell Tower tragedy in a “devastating” eulogy to the victims of the fire.

Police estimate that 79 people were killed when a fire tore through the 24 storey tower block in Kensington earlier this month, leaving hundreds more homeless.

Now, Nigerian-born writer Ben Okri has penned an impassioned poem about the incident and plans to hold a writers event to raise money for the survivors.

Poet Ben Okri has penned a 'devastating' eulogy to victims of the fire
Poet Ben Okri has penned a 'devastating' eulogy to victims of the fire
Channel 4 News

Performing the poem, titled ”Grenfell Tower, June, 2017”, on Channel 4 News, Okri read:

“If you want to see how the poor die, come see Grenfell Tower.

See the tower, and let a world-changing dream flower.

Residents of the area call it the crematorium.

It has revealed the undercurrents of our age.

The poor who thought voting for the rich would save them.

The poor who believed all that the papers said.

The poor who listened with their fears.

The poor who live in their rooms and dream for their kids.

The burned remains of the Grenfell Tower block in Kensington
The burned remains of the Grenfell Tower block in Kensington
Carl Court via Getty Images

The poor are you and I, you in your garden of flowers,

In your house of books, who gaze from afar

At a destiny that draws near with another name.

Sometimes it takes an image to wake up a nation

From its secret shame. And here it is every name

Of someone burnt to death, on the stairs or in their room,

Who had no idea what they died for, or how they were betrayed.

They did not die when they died; their deaths happened long

Before. It happened in the minds of people who never saw

Them. It happened in the profit margins. It happened

In the laws. They died because money could be saved and made.”

Fans of the poet have praised Okri for capturing the horror of the fire, saying a “momentous shift” is required in the wake of the incident:

Utterly heartbreaking. Spot on Ben Okri

— Mac Mahon Deirdre (@Dmac3039) June 28, 2017

So eloquent.It makes a sadness that this has been the reality far too long for too many people struggling to make a life for themselves

— Steve Urwin (@urwinsky) June 27, 2017

Ben Okri so eloquently sums up this chasm. Sadness that lives full of potential were lost for this wake up call. Momentous shift required.❤️

— AhRani 📱🌍 💫 (@AhraniLogan) June 27, 2017

Astonishing words that break my heart , great message that should have many people hanging heads in shame

— Lyn White (@LynWhite1812) June 27, 2017

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