8 Positive Things That Happened This Week That'll Lift Your Spirits

From Britain's 'loneliest dog' who found his forever home, to National Trust scrapping fees, there are still things we can smile about.

It’s been another tough week around the world as the coronavirus pandemic continues. But, when in crisis, humanity has a habit of finding hidden joy.

To help give you that Friday feeling, here are eight positive stories you may have missed this week.

1. Some penguins went on an adventure.

Shedd Aquarium in Chicago was closed to visitors this week, but the penguins didn’t mind one bit. Staff caught them on camera waddling out of their usual habitat and exploring the rest of the exhibits just like a human would.

The adventure continues! 🐧🐧
This morning, Edward and Annie explored Shedd’s rotunda. They are a bonded pair of rockhopper penguins, which means they are together for nesting season. Springtime is nesting season for penguins at Shedd, and this year is no different! (1/3) 👇 pic.twitter.com/VdxN3oQAfe

— Shedd Aquarium (@shedd_aquarium) March 16, 2020

If that’s cheered you up, there are plenty of other cute animals who are gorgeously oblivious to what’s going on. Check out our animal round-up.

2. PrEP is finally here.

Reminding us there’s news to be celebrated outside of coronavirus, NHS England announced the anti-HIV drug, PrEP, will finally be routinely available. The drug, which is up to 100% effective at stopping HIV, has – until now – only been available via a capped trial.

HIV charity The Terrence Higgins Trust called the move a “game-changer” for HIV prevention. “We know PrEP is highly effective at stopping HIV and now it can be properly utilised to make good on the Government’s commitment to ending HIV transmissions by 2030,” chief executive Ian Green said.

3. St Patrick’s Day ‘parades’ still went ahead.

It was St Patrick’s Day on Tuesday and while most official gatherings and parades were cancelled, families put on their own versions at home. Dancing, music and toys all round!

Can’t let a pandemic stop the parade over here in Co. Clare ☘️ Happy St. Patrick’s day #virtualparade #RTEVirtualParade #StPatricksDay2020 pic.twitter.com/CNit7lMYKh

— Nicola O' Halloran (@nikkioh101) March 17, 2020

A family in Ireland staged a St. Patrick's Day parade in their backyard, complete with toy cars, trucks and tractors—some carrying hand sanitizer and toilet paper—to celebrate the day, after parades were canceled amid the coronavirus pandemic. https://t.co/ORFKnbOQR1 pic.twitter.com/7TddbEcUUg

— ABC News (@ABC) March 17, 2020

4. Music brought the world together.

During this difficult time, the universal language of song has bonded us more than anything else. There are dozens of videos that have gone viral this week, showing people in quarantine singing together or playing instruments to cheer neighbours up from afar.

We particularly love the new online choir, The Sofa Singers, made up of hundreds of people in insolation around the world. Top marks to musician James Sills for setting it up.

@jsillsmusic you absolute joy maker. Thank you for the most wonderful 90 minutes singing with almost 500 humans in #SelfIsolation from across the globe #TheSofaSingers #StayConnected #SingingForTheSoul pic.twitter.com/TIBw3HgEHg

— Uná Meehan (@Una_Meehan) March 17, 2020

5. ‘Britain’s loneliest dog’ found a home.

A pooch dubbed ‘Britain’s loneliest dog’ finally found a home this week, having been at Last Chance Animal Rescue in Edenbridge, Kent, for more than 10 years.

Bess found her forever home after staff launched a viral campaign focussing on her, which soon led to offers from as far as the US.

A spokesperson from the shelter told Kent Online: “It was very emotional for everyone as she set off to her new life, but also very rewarding, as a loving home is what we want for all our dogs, and finally we have one for our Bess. Thank you to everyone who offered Bess a home.”

In a world of doom and gloom, here’s some brilliant, joyful & positive news...Bess, from Last Chance Animal Rescue, in Edenbridge finds new home after ten years...Bess, from Last Chance Animal Rescue, in Edenbridge finds new home after ten years #goodnews https://t.co/RkwXwA0CKX

— Steve (@SJL0175) March 19, 2020

6. Teachers rose to the challenge.

As schools across the UK prepare to close their gates for the foreseeable future, teachers have been offering their support. Many have posted online – on Facebook, WhatsApp, and other community groups – to detail their qualifications, share advice, and signpost online resources to parents.

In one community WhatsApp group, seen by HuffPost UK, a teacher offered to do online teaching via Skype for the children on her road in south west London.

Joe Wicks, aka The Body Coach, has also launched a free 9am “PE with Joe” class from his YouTube channel to keep kids active.

😀 PE WITH JOE starting Monday morning at 9am on my YOUTUBE channel: The Body Coach TV 📺 Please please share this with as many people as you can ❤️ Our kids need this more than ever. Share it on your stories, your wall, your Twitter, whatsapp and school newsletters ❤️ pic.twitter.com/ioFGeFRpuK

— The Body Coach (@thebodycoach) March 19, 2020

7. National Trust scrapped fees.

To help the nation enjoy the great outdoors while social distancing, National Trust announced it would open many of its gardens and parks for free.

We're aiming to open many of our gardens and parks for free during this difficult time, so the nation can use open spaces to relax and refresh, while following the government’s social distancing guidance. We will be closing our houses, cafés and shops this week. pic.twitter.com/ETY1oEo8VZ

— National Trust (@nationaltrust) March 17, 2020

And elsewhere on social media, people have been sharing relaxing photos of nature to spread a sense of calm.

A new week and I am guessing it is going to be an intense one. I will keep posting my nature photos as they give me a feeling of calmness and go for my random walks. Sending you a virtual Hug. Look after each other 💕 #wecandothistogether #RandomActsOfKindness #hugs @ThePhotoHour pic.twitter.com/biWLwalEZj

— Veronica in the Fens 🧚🏼♀️ (@VeronicaJoPo) March 16, 2020

Happy Spring ! Nature is unaware of #coronavirus enjoy nature during these times of social distancing ! Go for a walk sit outside read a book ! Watch birds at a bird feeder ! #firstdayofspring pic.twitter.com/YibEF28Kto

— Debbie 🐝Ahern 🇺🇸 💙🌊✨✌🏽✌🏻 (@savetheturtles2) March 19, 2020

8. The kindness continued.

From buying supplies for elderly neighbours to writing letters to curb loneliness, kindness is still alive and well.

If you’re in need of a positivity boost during the day, simply look through the hashtags #RandomActsOfKindness, #KindnessIsContagious and #SpreadKindness on Twitter. You won’t be disappointed.

Elderly neighbours sorted for a week. That is three elderly neighbours, and has definitely earned me some brownie points when my cat needs looking after.
£40 has prevented elderly neighbours having the audacity to leave their homes.
I forgot sherry for Betty. She’ll be livid. pic.twitter.com/6ljSZCmEvX

— Nicholas (@helloimnicholas) March 18, 2020

We were inspired by a report on @itvnews last night about the elderly feeling particularly lonely as a result of measures being taken, and wanted to make sure they know we care for them #community #SpreadKindness pic.twitter.com/z1RBc7D7AS

— RoundhayY6 (@RoundhayY6) March 19, 2020

Surprise flowers on my doorstep! Even my cat is happier! Thank you! #RandomActsOfKindness pic.twitter.com/XZeCkrxQx4

— Holli & Stacie (@RARepUSCentral) March 19, 2020