Rishi Sunak Should Act On Andrew Tate 'Misogyny' Spread In Schools, MP Says

Labour's Alex Davies-Jones said boys are being "brainwashed" online by "deeply toxic" messaging.
Labour MP Alex Davies-Jones
Labour MP Alex Davies-Jones
Parliament TV

Rishi Sunak has been urged to stamp out Andrew Tate-style “misogyny” being spread in schools.

Alex Davies-Jones, the Labour MP for Pontypridd, called on the prime minister to stop boys being “brainwashed” by the social media influencer.

Tate, a former professional kickboxer, has previously said he is “absolutely sexist and I’m absolutely a misogynist”.

He was previously banned from various prominent social media platforms for expressing misogynistic views and hate speech.

Labour’s Alex Davies-Jones asks what the government is doing to tackle "radicalisation of young men" by figures like Andrew Tate

Rishi Sunak says he is “proud that this government launched the world-leading, world-first Online Safety Bill”#PMQs https://t.co/bq18XjLwgo pic.twitter.com/VD0ZkxRZWW

— BBC Politics (@BBCPolitics) January 11, 2023

Davies-Jones told the Commons: “The Times recently reported that schools across the UK are in crisis as the effect of online influencer Andrew Tate’s vile misogyny infiltrates our classrooms and society.

“Teachers are now having to develop their own resources to re-educate boys who are being brainwashed online by his deeply toxic messaging.

“The Prime Minister has been too slow to recognise the damage this is causing.

“What has he done? What is his government doing to tackle this misogyny? This incel culture? And the radicalisation of young men in this country?

“Will he commit to giving teachers the resources they need to address this problem head on?”

Sunak did not take the opportunity to directly call out Tate, but replied: “With regard to funding, we announced in the autumn statement £2 billion of extra funding for our schools.

“But I’m also proud that this government has introduced the world-leading, world-first Online Safety Bill, which specifically improves protections for children and puts very strict obligations and penalties on tech companies for enforcing them.”

British-US former professional kickboxer and controversial influencer Andrew Tate and his brother Tristan Tate.
British-US former professional kickboxer and controversial influencer Andrew Tate and his brother Tristan Tate.

The bill is expected to complete its final stages in the Commons next week before heading to the House of Lords.

On Tuesday, a court in Romania upheld the 30-day arrest of Tate on charges of organised crime, human trafficking and rape.

He was initially detained on December 29 in Bucharest along with his brother Tristan, who was charged in the same case.

Two Romanian women were also taken into custody. All four immediately challenged the arrest extension a judge granted to prosecutors on December 30.


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