Rochelle Humes Turns Dried Umbilical Cord Into Framed Keepsake And Eats Placenta Capsules

Would you do it?

Rochelle Humes has marked the birth of her second daughter by turning her dried umbilical cord into a piece of art.

The 27-year-old, who gave birth to Valentina Raine on 10 March, shared an Instagram photo of her umbilical cord spelling out the word ‘Love’.

The shot also featured a bottle of placenta pills, the brand that Coleen Rooney and Rebekah Vardy used after the birth of their babies.

After being very curious I took the plunge, so excited to feel the benefits,” Humes wrote in the caption on 13 March. “Thanks so much Danielle @placentaplus.”

After being very curious I took the plunge, so excited to feel the benefits..Thanks so much Danielle @placentaplus 👸🏽💝

A post shared by R O C H E L L E H U M E S (@rochellehumes) on

The photo showed a gift tag addressed to Rochelle and Marvin Humes congratulating them on the birth of their baby girl.

UK-based company Placenta Plus makes capsules for women by freeze-drying their placenta and turning it into pill form. The company claims benefits include: “Healthy milk supply, prevent postnatal depression and reduce stress levels”.

Commenting on the photo, some women were shocked at Humes’ choice to eat her own placenta.

“This is gross,” one person wrote. “I thought this [the placenta pills] had no scientific proof that it actually benefits a mum? And why would you want your umbilical cord hanging on the wall?”

Another wrote: “Each to their own, I’d never do it. Disgusting.”

However others were all for it.

“That is gorgeous,” a mum wrote. “The cord is amazing, fantastic, life-giving and you should be so proud of it.

“The benefits of the capsules are going to be great. Congratulations, so happy your beautiful baby is here safe and well.”

Our world is now complete 🌎 Valentina Raine Humes - Happy birthday little one...💝

A post shared by R O C H E L L E H U M E S (@rochellehumes) on

Another mum commented on the photo: “Had my second daughter two weeks ago and encapsulated my placenta and also had a placenta smoothie an hour after birth, which was fab.

“I am so glad I decided to utilise this natural organ after birth.”

Louise Silverton, director for midwifery at the Royal College of Midwives previously told The Huffington Post UK: “There is little or no evidence around women eating their placenta. Indeed, there may be potential dangers in doing so, though again there is no evidence to support that either.

“As a result midwives will not advise women about eating their placenta because of this lack of evidence, and it must be the woman’s choice if she chooses to do so.”

Rochelle Humes married 31-year-old Marvin, a former singer with JLS, five years ago. Their first daughter, Alaia-Mai, was born in 2013.
