Russian Teenager Survives 23 Floor Fall Onto Parked Car After Trying To Impress Girl

A few feet either way and he wouldn't have been so lucky.

A Russian teenager’s attempt to show off almost turned to tragedy when he fell 23 floors.

Alexander Shadrin climbed over a railing “to impress a girl” in the city of Novosibirsk, Siberia, according to the Siberian Times.

But disaster struck when he lost his grip and fell 230 feet (70m).

Luckily for the Shadrin a vehicle parked below broke his fall.

Lovestruck teenager falls 23 floors - and survives - 'after macho stunt to impress girl'

— The Siberian Times (@siberian_times) September 27, 2016

Shadrin landed on the roof of a Renault Logan taxi and, although suffering a number of injuries, was said to be conscious when horrified passers-by rushed to his aide.

The car below him however, was crumpled under his weight.

Luckily the driver was not inside the vehicle at the time.

Investigators are now looking into the incident and a spokesman for the Novosibirsk branch of the Investigative Committee said that the youngster had “clung on for some time”.

Shadrin was said to be in a stable condition at the city’s Hospital Number 34.


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