Schoolboys At Isca Academy Exeter Wear Skirts To Class To Protest 'Draconian' Uniform Rules

'I have such faith in this generation 👏'

A group of Exeter schoolboys have worn skirts to class as a protest after they were banned from wearing shorts during the UK’s recent heatwave.

Around 30 schoolboys at Isca Academy donned skirts this morning after a pupil was reportedly told he would be put in isolation for the rest of the week if he wore shorts.

Yesterday was the hottest day in Britain for 40 years, with temperatures reaching almost 34 degrees in parts of London.

Boys at Isca Academy in Exeter wear skirts to school in protest at not being allowed to wear shorts in hot weather.

— Simon Hall (@SimonHallNews) June 22, 2017

Under the school’s current uniform rules, male students must wear trousers, while female students are allowed to choose between grey trousers or a tartan skirt.

Five boys wore skirts to school yesterday, with others borrowing friends’ and sisters’ uniforms to join in with the protest today.

Angry mum Claire Reeves told Devon Live: “The girls are allowed to wear skirts all year round so I think it’s completely unfair that the boys can’t wear shorts.

“The weather has been so hot recently and it’s got to the point where my son is suffering,” she added.

The boys have received mass support on social media, with many applauding their “creative” protest:

The boys at the Isca Academy in Exeter who are protesting about the ridiculous dress code make me feel optimistic about future generations

— Laura Anne (@LauraAnnieA) June 22, 2017

Ridiculous draconian rule. Good work lads! 👍🏻

— Amanda Williamson (@Amanda_Exeter) June 22, 2017

That's a stupid rule. Good on the fellas for protesting in such a creative way.

— lizard (@DaveLisney) June 22, 2017

These boys are brilliant! I have such faith in this generation 👏🏼

— Vicky (@mixmixmama) June 22, 2017

A statement on the school’s website suggested that the protest could be working.

Headteacher Aimee Mitchell wrote: “We recognise that the last few days have been exceptionally hot and we are doing our utmost to enable both students and staff to remain as comfortable as possible.”

“Shorts are not currently part of our uniform for boys and I would not want to make any changes without consulting both students and their families.”

Mitchell added: “However, with hotter weather becoming more normal, I would be happy to consider a change for the future and will talk to families and staff further about this in the coming weeks.”


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