Schools Need To Talk About Extremism, Urges Maajid Nawaz

"This is not a religious conversation. This has to be a human rights conversation."

Schools should be holding open conversations about extremism with their pupils, alongside teaching the history of jihadism, according to Maajid Nawaz.

“The current 15-year-old - we just had the 15th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks - the current 15-year-old knows no other world,” he explains.

“But do they know there was once upon a time, in the 1980s when the Middle Eastern Arabs were associated with generosity, with the hippie trail and smoking weed through Afghanistan on the Silk Road?

“I mean, I remember a time when people would want to visit the Middle East because Arabs were associated with hospitality and generosity. So we’ve got to be able to somehow contextualise this as modern history, teach what happened from the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, and how jihadism spread from there, through 9/11 and all the way up to ISIS.

“Teach the theory, teach the history, and what that also helps to do by the way, that normalises having that conversation, and people will be less nervous and therefore less fearful of having that conversation.”

The Quilliam Foundation founder spoke to The Huffington Post UK, during the One Young World summit in Ottawa.


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