Sean Spicer Uses Stacks Of Paper To Demonstrate Health Care Bills, Fails Spectacularly


The White House Press Secretary took to the podium on Tuesday in an attempt to demonstrate just how efficient the Republicans are when it comes to health care.

President Trump’s pledge to repeal and replace Obamacare was a central policy during his election campaign and the GOP’s American Health Care Act has finally been unveiled.

According to Spicer, the physical size of the paper stacks the two are written on is cause for celebration.

I just can't get over this argument.

"Look at the size. This is the Democrats. This is us."

— Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) March 7, 2017

Dipping over to a table with the two aforementioned stacks side-by-side, Spicer says: “Look at the size - this is the Democrats, this is us.

“There is... you can’t get any clearer that this is government, this is not.

“And I think that part of the reason the visual is important is that when you actually look at the difference you realise this is what big government does.”

I have worked with visual aids dozens of times in WH presentations

I have seen hundreds of them

This is the stupidest one ever.
Good lord

— James Fallows (@JamesFallows) March 7, 2017

Your favourite #faketoys from are now available here

— christhebarker (@christhebarker) March 8, 2017

@PattyMurray Did you see Sean Spicer today? See the video of him comparing the paper size of ACA to their plan? It says it all.

— JeffK (@JeffK_BanGMOs) March 8, 2017

Sean Spicer seems like he was a participant in the Stanford Prison Experiment

— Ira Madison III (@ira) March 8, 2017

One of the reasons the Republican’s bill is smaller than the Democrats’ is simply because it retains many of the policies of Obamacare and so much of it does not need to be written down again.

A big winner out of the shambolic press briefing will undoubtedly be Melissa McCarthy who’s just been handed a ready-made script for another skit on Saturday Night Live.

"Look at the size." Sean Spicer just wrote his SNL skit for this weekend. #inners

— jupiterthunder (bkp) (@jptrthndr) March 8, 2017

Of course this is not the first time Spicer has had an irrational obsession with size...

.@kylegriffin1 Wait! @seanspicer's argument works with other things- for instance:

"Look at the size. This is the Democrats. This is us."

— BadHombreLands NPS (@BadHombreNPS) March 7, 2017

The size of my wallet is bigger then yours! Don't worry about if I have a bunch of $1 bills and you have $100 bills. - Sean Spicer logic

— Joe Reagan (@CoachReagan) March 7, 2017

Despite Obamacare primarily being setup to provide health care for the most vulnerable in American society, the House Republicans’ replacement adds up to big tax cuts for the rich.

The bill would cut more than 20 taxes enacted under President Barack Obama’s heath law, saving taxpayers nearly $600 billion over the next decade. The bulk of the money would go to the wealthiest Americans.

LOL at Sean Spicer trying to convince us that size matters 😂and that smaller is better #TinyHands

— Kath H (@CyberKat) March 8, 2017

Low and moderate-income families would lose their subsidies to buy health insurance in state and federal marketplaces. The subsidies would be replaced by tax credits to help them buy insurance.


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