Serena Williams Gatecrashed Two Guys Playing Tennis While Out Walking Her Dog

Nailed it 🎾

Next time you’re playing some casual tennis with your friends, keep your eyes peeled for a pro player wanting to get in on the action.

Serena Williams gave two guys the surprise of their life when she challenged them to a game on Sunday night.

The tennis star was out walking her dog, Chip, when she spotted the two men and asked if she could join in.

Williams was wearing Ugg-style boots - hardly appropriate tennis wear - but that didn’t stop her hitting the court hard and sharing the whole thing on Snapchat.

The footage was soon shared by thousands of others on Twitter.

Serena played tennis in boots with these 2 guys she saw on a court while she was out on a walk last night. IMAGINE.

— Alysha Tsuji (@AlyshaTsuji) February 27, 2017

In the video, mischievous Williams is seen watching the guys from a distance, before saying: “I think they’re in the middle of playing out points, but I’m going to ask them if I can have the winner.”

Needless to say, the men are more than a little surprised when she approaches them, but they happily welcome her onto court.

While Williams didn’t share footage of the game itself, we’re assuming she smashed it, as she jokes as the end of the video that she’s “still undefeated”.

“So the moral of the story is,” she says. “You never know when I could be coming to a tennis court near you.”

Serena Williams/Twitter