Suella Braverman Criticised By People Who Say They Are Proof Multiculturalism Works

The home secretary controversially claimed multiculturalism has failed.
Suella Braverman's comments about migration have triggered outrage
Suella Braverman's comments about migration have triggered outrage
Stefan Rousseau - PA Images via PA Images via Getty Images

Suella Braverman’s claim that “multiculturalism has failed” has been torn apart by people who say their own lives suggest otherwise.

The eyebrow-raising comment was part of the home secretary’s speech on migration to a centre-right think tank in Washington DC on Tuesday.

She took aim at the definition of a refugee and claimed being gay or a woman is not reason enough to grant someone international asylum.

Braverman also claimed there was a “misguided dogma of multiculturalism” in Europe, alleging that it had “failed” because it encourages people “to come to our society and live parallel lives in it”.

“They could be in this society, but not of this society. And in extreme cases, they could pursue lives aimed at undermining the stability and threatening the security of our society,” she added.

Multiculturalism "has failed because it allowed people to come to our society and live parallel lives in it"

Home Secretary Suella Braverman gives speech on migration in Washington DC

— BBC Politics (@BBCPolitics) September 26, 2023

Braverman also used her platform to take aim at the number of people in the UK who are born “to foreign-born mothers”.

She then delved into how schools, accommodation and roads are all struggling with a growing population “due to immigration and high-birth rates”.

There is a growing population of people living in the UK who were born outside of the country.

According to lawyers at Immigration Advice Service, as of the year ending June 2022, there were an estimated 10,388,000 people in England and Wales who were not born in the UK – making up almost 15% of the UK’s total population.

Prompted by Braverman’s speech, people started to reveal how their own lives suggest that multiculturalism works on X (formerly Twitter), and explained how they’ve actively contributed to British society.

Hi. I’m a British child of a foreign-born mother. Like many foreign-born people my mother has contributed significantly to UK society (in her case e.g. helping to discover Richard III). Her children have all now left the UK because of the catastrophe left by Suella and her party.

— Prof Helen Foxhall Forbes 🇪🇺🕯🌻🌈 (@HFoxhallForbes) September 26, 2023

I am UK born to two foreign born parents. They both worked here for decades, contributing to the economy and society, until they retired. Their children are doing the same.

Funny Suella forgot to mention the contribution first and second gen immigrants make.

— Prof. Christina Pagel (@chrischirp) September 26, 2023

I was a foreign born mother in the UK- I paid taxes - which are supposed to fund schools & housing. Immigrants on average contribute more fiscally than they take out- yet they're vilified. The shortages in infrastructure aren't down to immigrants- they're down to the Tories.

— Dr. Deepti Gurdasani (@dgurdasani1) September 27, 2023

I am such a ‘foreign born mother’. I make a full contribution to society, pay my taxes and educate students, both UK and ‘foreign’ without distinction for their place of origin. Suella Braverman does not represent me or the British values we all treasure.

— Prof Aletta Norval (she/her) #Ventilate #WearAMask (@AlettaNorval) September 26, 2023

Some of the services in this country will fall apart if not for 'foreign born mothers'

'Foreign-born mother' here. I could say that I have never taken a single penny of benefits but then we are just imposing the model minority myth that we have to be exceptional to be accepted…

— Prof. Pragya Agarwal (@DrPragyaAgarwal) September 27, 2023

I am UK born to 'immigrant' parents. They both worked all their lives. Both me & my sister a Professor of Law, Lecturers contribute to society. I'm offended by these xenophobic comments. I suggest you look to the failures of 13yrs of Tory Govt fellow daughter of immigrants.

— Dr Tahaney Alghrani (@AlghraniT) September 27, 2023

Others said you shouldn’t have to demonstrate your worth to be considered a successful part of British society.

Whether you were born here or not, whether you are receiving state aid or being a model minority by excelling to justify your right to be in the UK, this is not it. Our humanity does not reside in these statistics. Our right to be alive does not rest on how productive we are.

— Tashmia Owen FRSA (@dancinginshado) September 27, 2023

Meanwhile, there was no shortage of people suggesting that the UK’s multiculturalism “is one of its greatest features” – and questioning why the Conservative Party is going down this route.

Britain's multiculturalism has **not** failed. We are a thriving, confident, stable, energetic democracy and we are for the most part at ease with who we are. I am proud of it. We are proud of it. It is this government which has failed. They hate what Britain is.

— Glen O'Hara (@gsoh31) September 26, 2023

Speak to anyone visiting the UK & they’ll tell you that multiculturalism is one of its greatest features. Speak to anyone who knows history & they’ll tell you that multiculturalism is key to progress & innovation. Multiculturalism hasn’t failed in the UK. Politics has.

— Prof Nisreen Alwan 🌻 (@Dr2NisreenAlwan) September 26, 2023

It's amazing how this "multiculturalism has failed" narrative co-exists on the right of the Conservative Party with the narrative that Britain is the most racially enlightened place on the planet. Make your mind up.

— Sathnam Sanghera (@Sathnam) September 26, 2023

Multiculturalism didn't do that. Government policy caused cultural segregation. Her party never lifted a finger to help immigrant groups integrate, and now it's the fault of immigrants and not her or her party, apparently.

— John Lubbock (@jwsal) September 27, 2023

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