Sunday Show Round-Up: War With Spain, Three-Day Weekends And Labour Council Election Fears

All you need to know on a busy Sunday for politics

The Andrew Marr Show

It has a population of around 33,000 and is less than three square miles, but the peninsula of Gibraltar dominated the Sunday shows today.

Its Chief Minister Fabian Picardo was up on Marr – this week hosted by Eddie Mair – and gave his reaction to the EU’s demand that Gibraltar should not be part of any post-Brexit trade deal with the UK unless Spain agrees.

Any EU deal with UK "only fair, proper and right that it should also apply to Gibraltar" says @FabianPicardo #marr

— The Andrew Marr Show (@MarrShow) April 2, 2017

Picardo said the UK sharing Gibraltar’s sovereignty with Spain would “strip us of who we are”.

VIDEO: Fabian Picardo responds to #BBC's Spanish apologist Eddie #Mair #Marr #Spain #Gibraltar #EU #Brexit

— Sam Pye (@freddie1999) April 2, 2017

Green Party co-leaders Caroline Lucas and Jonathan Bartley appeared next, and the double act were asked what the purpose of their party is. “We want to wipe the smile off Nigel Farage’s face,” said Bartley.

“We’re the antidote to UKIP. We want to wipe the smile off Nigel Farage’s face" says Green Party co-leader @jon_bartley #marr

— The Andrew Marr Show (@MarrShow) April 2, 2017

Lucas also explained why the Greens back a three-day weekend, saying “exhausted people” are less productive.

Wish you had tomorrow off too? That's what we're calling for. @CarolineLucas explains why we want a three day weekend. #Marr

— Green Party (@TheGreenParty) April 2, 2017

Former Labour leader Ed Miliband called for “progressives” to “get on the pitch” in the post-referendum game to ensure the Tory right don’t use Brexit as an excuse to slash worker’s rights.

"If I've been Prime Minister, we wouldn't have had a referendum" says @Ed_Miliband #marr

— The Andrew Marr Show (@MarrShow) April 2, 2017

How did @Ed_Miliband deal with losing the 2015 General Election?#marr

— The Andrew Marr Show (@MarrShow) April 2, 2017

Defence Secretary Michael Fallon was the final guest. On the Gibraltar issue, he said there would be no change in the territory’s status as a result of Brexit unless the people of the peninsula backed it.

Will be an "agreement that fully respects the position of Gibraltar" - Defence Secretary Sir Michael Fallon #Marr

— BBC News (UK) (@BBCNews) April 2, 2017

Fallon also talked up the UK’s commitment to European security, pointing out that Britain is sending troops to Eastern Europe. Theresa May has been accused of using security as a bargaining chip as she seeks a trade deal with the EU.

"Stepping up our commitment to the security of the continent, because it remains our continent" - Sir Michael Fallon

— BBC News (UK) (@BBCNews) April 2, 2017

Sophy Ridge On Sunday

Former Tory leader Lord Howard generated the best headlines of the morning when he said Theresa May would protect Gibraltar in the same manner Margaret Thatcher protected the Falklands: with force.

Former Tory leader #LordHoward uses the 35th anniversary of the Falklands conflict to explain why he's optimistic about Gibraltar #Ridge

— SophyRidge On Sunday (@RidgeOnSunday) April 2, 2017

He also said the UK did not legally have to pay any divorce settlement for Brexit, but conceded a payment would probably be made in order to facilitate a trade deal.

#LordHoward says the UK might not legally have to pay anything for #Brexit, despite claims that it could cost 50 billion Euros #Ridge

— SophyRidge On Sunday (@RidgeOnSunday) April 2, 2017

Labour’s Shadow Health Secretary Jon Ashworth claimed the Government might be breaking the law by scrapping the 18-week target for non-urgent operations. He called for Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt to explain the legality of the decision.

Shadow Health Sec @JonAshworth says the Government have breached the NHS constitution by dropping 18-week patient target #Ridge

— SophyRidge On Sunday (@RidgeOnSunday) April 2, 2017

Ashworth literally laughed away a question about whether he ever “looked in the mirror” and wondered why he was serving in Jeremy Corbyn’s Shadow Cabinet.

"The Labour Party is bigger than any one individual" - @SophyRidgeSky asks Jon Ashworth if he ever regrets working under Corbyn #Ridge

— SophyRidge On Sunday (@RidgeOnSunday) April 2, 2017

Sinn Fein’s Gerry Adams said Northern Ireland needs a “special designated status” in any Brexit deal to reflect its special circumstances.

.@GerryAdamsSF tells @skydavidblevins that a 'special designated status' for Northern Ireland is the only way forward #Brexit #Ridge

— SophyRidge On Sunday (@RidgeOnSunday) April 2, 2017

Pienaar’s Politics

Luxemburg’s Prime Minister Xavier Bettel took to the airwaves to suggest Brexit still might not go ahead.

“The procedure is a two year procedure and maybe during these procedures you still can have strong feelings for Europe and decide in the House of Commons you should think twice about leaving your family.”

He also suggested the UK should have a second referendum once the Brexit deal is agreed:

“What is important, if you do referendums, is that you say the truth and that people are able to vote knowing all the conditions. The only point was, if we leave we’ll be more independent, we will be able to have everything by ourselves - our own rules and we don’t need the others. And now we see that this is not working. So I think it’s important that as soon as the deal is finished, why not propose a referendum? Do you want still to leave with that agreement or not?”

Germany’s deputy finance minister Jens Spahn was a lot less emotional with his take on Brexit, saying:

“If you just want to go on like it was, to apply all the rules and the regulations of the European Union, what’s the point in leaving?”

Labour’s Shadow Foreign Secretary Emily Thornberry was asked about the Gibraltar row, and accused the Government of “clearly” using the UK’s military strength as a “bargaining chip”.

Sunday Politics

Lord Howard appeared on the Sunday Politics to repeat his Falklands/Gibraltar comparison from Ridge. He also said “it’s not the end of the word” if the UK doesn’t get a free trade rule after Brexit.

"Not end of the world if we don't get a deal" but better if we do, says Lord Howard #bbcdp

— DailySunday Politics (@daily_politics) April 2, 2017

Polling guru Professor John Curtice delivered some bad news for Labour when asked about May’s local elections. He predicted a 12-point swing from Labour to the Tories.

Professor John Curtice predicts a 12-point swing from Labour to the Conservatives in May's local elections #bbcsp

— DailySunday Politics (@daily_politics) April 2, 2017

Labour’s Jon Ashworth described the prediction as “pretty depressing”, and said the party has to be “winning seats”.

"Labour have to be winning seats" @JonAshworth says he will be campaigning hard to win seats in May #bbcsp

— DailySunday Politics (@daily_politics) April 2, 2017

Ashworth said he and his colleagues needed to “work harder” to deliver a Labour government.

"Labour have to work harder" says @JonAshworth #bbcsp

— DailySunday Politics (@daily_politics) April 2, 2017

Labour spirits may be falling, but Lib Dem “tails are up” according to Alistair Carmichael. The Lib Dem MP insists his party are “back in business”.

"The Liberal Democrats are back in business" says @acarmichaelmp #bbcsp

— DailySunday Politics (@daily_politics) April 2, 2017

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