Sunday Show Round-Up: Nicola Sturgeon, Tony Blair And Nicky Morgan

All you need to know from a busy morning in politics

The Andrew Marr Show

Scottish independence dominated the Sunday shows today, and you can read a full write-up of that here.

Scottish Conservative leader Ruth Davidson was the first up this morning, and she used her interview on Marr to attack the SNP, the media, and George Osborne.

On the second referendum, Davidson insisted there was no “public consent” for a second vote, and it was “astonishing” the SNP couldn’t provide answers to fundamental questions on currency, the economy and EU membership.

She also blasted the London-centric media for its reporting of the debate, insisting: “The SNP is not Scotland”

"The SNP is not Scotland" @RuthDavidsonMSP says the majority of Scottish people do not want another referendum #marr

— The Andrew Marr Show (@MarrShow) March 19, 2017

When asked about George Osborne’s new job as editor of the Evening Standard, Davidson said she didn’t think it was possible to hold the role and fulfill the job of being an MP.

“I have to say I thought: ‘Well, he’s a better man than me’, because I spent ten years as a journalist, I’ve now spent six years as a politician and I’m not sure you can combine them both because, you know, I work a pretty busy week as it is and this week in particular, so I’m not sure you can do both at the same time, if I’m honest.”

Former Labour Prime Minister Tony Blair was on Marr to plug his new centre-ground think-tank.

He insisted Labour should hold the Government to its word on getting the UK as good a relationship with the Single Market as it currently has, but denied he was making a return to front-line politics.

Blair accepted that his time in Government, including the issue of Iraq’s non-existent weapons of mass destruction, had “to a degree” eroded trust in centre-ground politics.

Blair also admitted he did not know how many migrants would come to the UK after freedom of movement was opened up to eastern European countries including Poland in 2004.

“No we didn’t know the numbers...We could have delayed for four years their ability to come here and work. We didn’t, it’s true, the economy was in a completely different position in 2004. But I just point out the majority of EU immigration came post-2008.”

Was the Labour government responsible for the collapse of centre ground politics? Andrew asks former PM Tony Blair #marr

— The Andrew Marr Show (@MarrShow) March 19, 2017

Blair also defended Osborne’s job as Evening Standard editor, saying: “I think it’s a great thing for the Evening Standard, why not? He’s a highly capable guy and it should make politics more interesting.”

Sophy Ridge On Sunday

Sophy Ridge took her show on the road this week and travelled to Aberdeen, where the SNP has just held its Spring conference.

The show was therefore focused on Scottish politics (full report here), and included interviews with the three key women in Scottish politics: Nicola Sturgeon, Ruth Davidson and Kezia Dugdale.

Sturgeon’s interview was particularly illuminating, as the SNP leader admitted that she was unable at this time to answer questions on key tenets of independence: currency, economy and EU membership.

.@SophyRidgeSky pushes @NicolaSturgeon on what currency Scotland would use if it left the UK #Ridge #IndyRef2

— SophyRidge On Sunday (@RidgeOnSunday) March 19, 2017

She also said the timing of the referendum was up for discussion, and could be held after the UK leaves the EU – not before, as she called for on Monday.

.@NicolaSturgeon says it wouldn't be fair for #Scotland to have a delay & be out of EU for long period #Ridge @SophyRidgeSky

— SophyRidge On Sunday (@RidgeOnSunday) March 19, 2017

Despite being unsure how Scotland would rejoin the EU, Sturgeon said she did want the country to be a full member.

Would an independent Scotland be in the EU? "Yes," says First Minister Nicola Sturgeon on today's #Ridge

— SophyRidge On Sunday (@RidgeOnSunday) March 19, 2017

Scottish Tory Leader Ruth Davidson made a point likely to get repeated in the upcoming weeks and months: ‘My vote to Remain was not a vote for independence.’

"I'm furious that Nicola Sturgeon seems to think that my Remain vote is a green light to independence," says @RuthDavidsonMSP #Ridge

— SophyRidge On Sunday (@RidgeOnSunday) March 19, 2017

Labour’s Scottish Leader Kezia Dugdale accused her national leader Jeremy Corbyn of a “clumsy use of language” after he said a second referendum would be “absolutely fine”.

.@kezdugdale says Jeremy Corbyn is against #Scotland leaving the UK, despite previous comments about a second referendum #Ridge #IndyRef2

— SophyRidge On Sunday (@RidgeOnSunday) March 19, 2017

She also suggested a “popular figure from civic or cultural life” could lead the No campaign – perhaps thinking of Harry Potter author JK Rowling.

Who should lead the campaign for Scotland to stay in UK? @kezdugdale doesn't know who; she'll play a prominent role in the campaign #Ridge

— SophyRidge On Sunday (@RidgeOnSunday) March 19, 2017

Peston on Sunday

Former Education Secretary Nicky Morgan was in Croissant Corner on Peston today, and unsurprisingly launched a staunch defence of her friend George Osborne getting the Evening Standard job.

And in a clear warning to Theresa May, Morgan insisted that ‘Liberal Conservatives’ such as herself and Osborne would make their voices heard.

.@NickyMorgan01 backs @George_Osborne to manage new workload & says @theresa_may can't be surprised that he will speak out #Peston

— Peston on Sunday (@pestononsunday) March 19, 2017

Morgan also said there wasn’t enough “brain space” in Government to push forward with grammar schools whilst trying to improve the whole system.

.@NickyMorgan01 explains opposition to new grammar schools plan. Schools "only have so much brain space" for reforms. #Peston

— Peston on Sunday (@pestononsunday) March 19, 2017

Welsh Secretary Alun Cairns reacted to his colleague Guto Bebb’s “gut feeling” that Scotland will go independent.

Welsh Secretary @AlunCairns asked about suggestions from a minister in his dept that his "gut feeling" is Scotland will leave the UK #Peston

— Peston on Sunday (@pestononsunday) March 19, 2017

Nicola Sturgeon appeared on the show to say that while she was open to negotiate on the timing of a second referendum, 2021 was not “reasonable”.

.@NicolaSturgeon says possible #indyref2 in 2021 "not acceptable" as UK and EU might have diverged too much by then. #Peston

— Peston on Sunday (@pestononsunday) March 19, 2017

Also in Croissant Corner was Labour MP Stephen Kinnock, who criticised Jeremy Corbyn for his PMQs performance after the Government’s u-turn on the National Insurance hike.

.@UKLabour's @SKinnock accepts @jeremycorbyn's response to the government's NIC u-turn was "a missed opportunity" #Peston

— Peston on Sunday (@pestononsunday) March 19, 2017

Piennar’s Politics

On Radio Five Live, former SNP leader Alex Salmond claimed opinion polls are starting to move in favour of a second independence referendum.

On @JPonpolitics @AlexSalmond suggests opinions polls are 'delusional'

— BBC Radio 5 live (@bbc5live) March 19, 2017

Salmond also claimed he never said the 2014 vote was a “once in a lifetime opportunity” for Scottish independence.

He said: “The phrase was not once in a lifetime, it was the opportunity of a lifetime, I said it on the Andrew Marr show, it’s just one of these collective myths that evolve.”

However, a video of that interview from 2014 dug out by PoliticsHome shows Salmond saying: “In my view this is a once in a generation - perhaps even a once in a lifetime - opportunity.”

On the issue of Scotland’s currency, Salmond said the SNP were developing a “range of options” for what would happen after independence had been won.

WATCH HERE: On @JPonpolitics @AlexSalmond says an independent Scotland would have a "range of currency options"

— BBC Radio 5 live (@bbc5live) March 19, 2017

The Sunday Politics

Away from Scottish independence, Labour’s Campaign Chief Andrew Gwynne insisted his party was prepared for a snap election should Theresa May decide to go to the polls in May.

When asked if Labour would vote for an early election, Gwynne said: “That’s something we would very seriously have to consider.”

When pressed, he said it would be “very difficult” for Labour not to back an early election as it wants to be in Government.

Labour "preparing themselves for an early General Election" @GwynneMP tells @afneil #bbcsp

— DailySunday Politics (@daily_politics) March 19, 2017

Former Lib Dem leader Nick Clegg – one of the masterminds behind the Fixed Term Parliament Act – said he would welcome an early election as “we couldn’t do much worse than we did last time.”

"We couldn't do much worse than we did last time, so of course I would welcome an early election," says @nick_clegg #bbcsp

— DailySunday Politics (@daily_politics) March 19, 2017

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