Theresa May Torpedoes Boris-Backed Brexit Plan To Recommission Royal Yacht Britannia

'Not on the agenda'

Theresa May has torpedoed a Boris Johnson-backed plan to recommission the Royal Yacht Britannia to boost trade post-Brexit.

The Foreign Secretary had offered tentative support for the idea of refitting the ship, which was axed by Tony Blair in 1997 to the dismay of many traditionalist Tories.

Backers of Britannia, which is in currently in a dock in Scotland, say it could help raise billions in overseas trade as a ‘floating embassy’ touring the globe to push exports to an EU-free UK.

The Daily Telegraph launched a campaign, led by Tory backbencher Jake Berry and endorsed by Johnson, for the return of the Royal Yacht’s overseas duties.

Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson
Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson
Nick Ansell/PA Wire

But today No.10 killed off the idea with a blunt assessment that it was “not on the agenda”, suggesting no taxpayers’ cash would be spent on it.

“What we are trying to do as a Government is to forge an ambitious plan to exploit the opportunities that leaving the EU represents,” a No.10 spokesman said.

“The ambition is to be a global leader on free trade. There are a number of ways we can go about doing that, but the recommissioning of the Britannia is not on the agenda for that.”

Last week FCO sources told the Sun that they were looking into the plan, and a friend of Mr Johnson said: “Boris is certainly intrigued by the idea Jake has floated. Britannia is a great symbol of global Britain.”

Berry claimed that upto £3bn in trade deals were signed between 1991 and 1995 off the back of the Royal Yacht’s trips overseas, and backers suggest that private donations could help recommission it.

Britannia in its heyday for Charles and Diana's tour of Italy in 1985
Britannia in its heyday for Charles and Diana's tour of Italy in 1985
Georges De Keerle via Getty Images

Britannia is currently moored in the Port of Leith, Scotland and has become a tourist attraction, after 40 years of service to the Royal Family.

It is part of the National Historic Fleet and cared for by the Royal Yacht Britannia Trust.

Former Sea Lord and Labour minister Lord West said this weekend that the vessel should never have been scrapped.

“Getting rid of the Royal Yacht was a terrible error. It was a wonderful icon of Britishness. I took her on her last deployment to the Far East … £2.75bn worth of contracts were signed on board for British goods,” he said.

But critics say that the plan was misconceived, given the cost of refitting the ship and the fact that most trade is conducted via jet travel.

Plenty of Brexit-sceptics ridiculed the idea on Twitter

That #Brexit plan so far:

1) Bring back a Royal Yacht #Britannia

— Revolting-Subject (@UnRoyalReporter) September 17, 2016

An unelected group of officials doing secret trade deals from Yacht Britannia? Can't we just use Philip Green's?:

— Rob Gershon (@Simplicitly) September 17, 2016

Blue passports, grammar schools & the Royal Yacht Britannia. We truly are an Enoch Powell & a Mau Mau Insurgency away from the Brexit dream

— James Hoare (@JDHoare) September 17, 2016

Will there be enough life rafts when we hit the #brexit iceberg? Will just 1st class be ok? #royalyacht

— Stephen McAuliffe (@AcadregUK) September 17, 2016

Britain, you are a desperate middle-aged man and Royal Yacht Britannia is a second-hand sports car.

— Jon Horsley (@jonhorsley1) September 17, 2016

First Royal Yacht Britannia, then Blue Passports. Whatever next? Bring back Imperial measurements and our Sixpence!

— Ben Judah (@b_judah) September 17, 2016

But the plan still had its fans.

Petition: Build a new Royal Yacht Britannia with British Steel, Workers & apprentices. @BrexitCentral

— Jonathan Shone (@jonathanshone) September 17, 2016

If Royal Yacht Britannia relaunched thru private donations, will B at no cost 2 taxpayer! @BorisJohnson #BorisJohnson #Brexit

— angie (@angelneptustar) September 17, 2016

If it could be used all year round the return of the royal yacht Britannia might make sense in boosting UK business

— David McClure (@davidjmcclure) September 17, 2016

The decommissioning of the Royal Yacht Britannia was an act of cultural vandalism by Blair in 97

— Jason Brown (@JasonBrownYork) September 17, 2016

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