Therese Coffey's Rwanda Gaffe Has Become A Meme

Here's some other things people are "somewhat astonished" about.

Therese Coffey’s Rwanda gaffe has already become the stuff of legend – inspiring a meme based on her “astonishment”.

The deputy PM under Liz Truss made a geographical blunder on Wednesday in the Commons when MPs were debating the Safety of Rwanda Bill.

The Tory backbencher said: “I have to say I’m somewhat astonished by the speech by the shadow home secretary, who can’t even get the name of the country right, talking about the Kigali government.

“Rwanda is a respected country that has recently been president of the Commonwealth.”

Kigali is, of course, the capital of Rwanda and the country’s largest city, and it is common practice to refer to a national government by talking about the capital of the country.

Coffey later (unconvincingly) tried to cover her tracks ...

Some keyboard snipers moaning that I criticised the opposition for referring to the Kigali government, not the Rwandan government.

I would not call the French government, the Paris government nor the Scottish government, the Edinburgh government.
Why disrespect Rwanda?

— Thérèse Coffey (@theresecoffey) January 18, 2024

But the “keyboard snipers” had already got stuck in ...

"I was astonished by the Labour party suggesting we were going to send refugees to Africa.

Africa, as we all know, is a song by Toto."

— TheStebe (@The_Stebe) January 18, 2024

“I have to say I was somewhat astonished by the speech of the shadow home secretary who can’t even get the name of the actor right, talking about Sylvester Stallone when his name is Rambo"

— Toby Earle 🇺🇦 Threads tobyontv (@TobyonTV) January 18, 2024

"I was astonished by the shadow Home Secretary mentioning Ouagadougou. This is no time to be singing Black Lace songs."

— Ross Lawson (@Ross_Lawson) January 18, 2024

“I was somewhat astonished by the speech of the Shadow Home Secretary, who can’t even get the name of the rapper right, talking about Marshall Mathers. We’re talking about Eminem. You know, respect a rapper who was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2022.”

— Moog (@a_toots) January 18, 2024

“I have to say I was somewhat astonished by the speech of the shadow home secretary who can’t even get the names of the actors right. Talking about ‘Chris Evans’ attending the Golden Globes in 2024. We are talking about a small ginger man from The Big Breakfast.”

— Sorcha Ní Nia (@Luiseach) January 18, 2024

"I have to say I was astonished by the Shadow Home Secretary claiming that John Squire was in The Stone Roses, when Rt Hon. members will be all too aware that he was actually in The Seahorses”

— Kevin (@caoimhinof) January 18, 2024

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