
It begs the question: Why didn't Rishi Sunak hold off calling the general election?
Keir Starmer also poured cold water on the failed policy, saying the UK would "not ever" leave the ECHR.
New home secretary launches probe into the hundreds of millions of pounds spent on the disastrous policy.
The main target of festival-goers' mockery? The Tories, of course.
Almost 50,000 migrants have crossed the Channel since Rishi Sunak got into No.10.
The home secretary also failed to deny again that he once described it as "batshit".
The prime minister said he would not side with a "foreign court" over the UK's national security.
The judge says the government has offered "insufficient clarity" on when their flagship scheme will actually start.
Sunak has confirmed no planes will be taking off for Rwanda this side of the election.