
The deportation bill passed through parliament shortly before midnight on Monday.
Flights could be taking off this summer – two years after the last attempt to get planes off the ground failed.
Illegal migration minister Michael Tomlinson made the admission as he clashed with Mishal Husain.
Michael Tomlinson was left squirming at footage of asylum seekers preparing to cross the Channel this morning.
"Ping-pong" ends as House of Lords halts its opposition to legislation central to Rishi Sunak's controversial policy.
Concession offered to asylum seekers who helped the British military fight the Taliban as government desperately attempts to end the parliamentary deadlock.
The prime minister says he expects flights to Rwanda to finally take off in July.
The Home Office released the data as the PM staged yet another press conference on the issue.
The prime minister now says he "expects" the deportations to begin in July.
The prime minister accused Labour peers of "blocking" the government's flagship policy.