Tory Peer's Attack On This Domino's Dessert Really Takes The Cookie

Critics thought the rant left Lord Bethell with egg on his face.
Lord Bethell
Lord Bethell

A Tory peer had the internet cracking up last night after he went on a rant about some... confectionary.

Yes, but it was not just any confectionary which rattled Lord Bethell of Romford.

It was the upcoming combination of two classics; the Cadbury’s creme egg and a Domino’s cookie.

Responding to another post on X – formerly Twitter – which described the new hybrid treat as a “sugary, calorific concoction”, the peer wrote: “This is disgusting.

“A whole @CadburyUK cream egg in a @Dominos_UK cookie.

“These are serious corporate food companies. What are they thinking? The executive team, the board and the shareholders should be ashamed of themselves.”

This is disgusting.

A whole @CadburyUK cream egg in a @Dominos_UK cookie.

These are serious corporate food companies. What are they thinking?

The executive team, the board and the shareholders should be ashamed of themselves.

— Lord Bethell (@JimBethell) February 8, 2024

In a follow-up post, he again said he hoped the “board are ashamed of themselves”.

The peer added: “It’s not illegal. But it’s harmful. It’ll weigh heavily on their future career prospects. And it’s disgusting. They should know better. And use their many talents to find less egregious ways to hit their targets.”

Two additional posts echoed a pretty similar message with almost identical wording, while also slamming “their noble-sounding corporate responsibility commitments” and said these “sophisticated fund-managers should know better”.

He said it was “disgusting” four times, mentioned “shame” four times, called the new snack egg-regious – sorry, “egregious” – three times and “harmful” twice.

Lord Bethell also reposted several other accounts slamming the food industry.

For those curious, the dessert is only going to be available from February 12 to April 8, and costs £6.99.

Still, the post drew almost 400,000 views on X in 15 hours – and most of responses were not exactly on Lord Bethell’s side...

A cream egg and a domino’s cookie have a combined calorie count of 355.

This guy’s raging at something less fattening than a slice of cake from Starbucks

— 🏛Steven🏛 (@nonregemesse) February 9, 2024

They should be paying you for this kind of marketing, Jim.

— Pigeon Feathers (Alpha Male) (@PigeonFeatherz) February 8, 2024

Jim you’re shouting at cookies

— Tom Harwood (@tomhfh) February 8, 2024

Nothing happening in the Lords today? Like laws and stuff?

— The 5th Doctor (@LarsSeneca) February 9, 2024

It will make some serious dough but it’s a tough egg to crack

— TheStebe (@The_Stebe) February 9, 2024

The guy who used to run the Ministry of Sound is now shouting at cream eggs.

— Christopher Snowdon 🇺🇦 (@cjsnowdon) February 8, 2024

Disgusting. I’m disgusted. Where do they sell these things so I can be disgusted in person?

— Ben Sixsmith (@BDSixsmith) February 9, 2024

I was unaware caburys and domino's were forcefeeding this to people

— Chris Baker (@Zacnaloen) February 9, 2024

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