Trump Reportedly Considered 'Selling' Puerto Rico, Says Ex-Homeland Security Chief

Trump viewed the island devastated by Hurricane Maria as a "businessman" weighing the value of an asset, Elaine Duke said.

Donald Trump inquired about the possibility of “selling” Puerto Rico after the island was pummeled by Hurricane Maria, his one-time head of homeland security told The New York Times.

Elaine Duke, former acting secretary of homeland security, said that Trump approached the situation of a devastated Puerto Rico as a businessman would and asked about the option of “divesting” or “selling” the US territory as it struggled in the aftermath of the 2017 hurricane. She was taken aback by that response, she told the Times.

“The president’s initial ideas were more of as a businessman,” Duke recalled. “Can we outsource the electricity? Can we sell the island ... or divest of that asset?”

Trump railed against Puerto Rican officials at the time over the amount of money needed to rebuild after Maria struck — and complained that the island had thrown the US budget “out of whack.” His administration was sharply criticised for its slow and inadequate response after the catastrophe, which ultimately killed some 3,000 people. Trump called San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz “nasty” after she criticised his administration’s response.

As another hurricane, Dorian, bore down on the island “as usual” two years later, Trump complained in a tweet.

We are tracking closely tropical storm Dorian as it heads, as usual, to Puerto Rico. FEMA and all others are ready, and will do a great job. When they do, let them know it, and give them a big Thank You - Not like last time. That includes from the incompetent Mayor of San Juan!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 28, 2019

Duke said the Puerto Rico divestment issue was never seriously discussed after Trump raised the idea.

In a related consideration in 2019, Trump revealed that he mulled a “large” American “real estate deal” to purchase the autonomous Danish territory of Greenland, home to 56,000 people. Denmark might be up for it, he argued, because it’s “losing almost $700 million a year carrying” Greenland.

The Danes and Greenland residents were appalled. Officials blasted the idea as “ridiculous” and the “final proof” that Trump had “gone mad.”

Duke, a life-long Republican, also criticised Trump’s embrace of “hate-filled, angry and divisive” language. She said Trump’s paranoia about an imagined “deep state” blocked him from seeking valuable counsel from a variety of experts in the government.

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