Tweets About The Things We Forgot How To Do During The Pandemic

"I’ve forgotten how to talk to people in person. What do I do with my arms?"

Many of us learned new skills during the Covid-19 pandemic ― from bread-baking to tie-dying to making TikTok videos.

But it also seems we may have lost a few skills as we spent so much of the past year indoors and away from others. Socialising, interacting with strangers and putting together outfits that don’t involve trackies are just a few examples.

The funny folks of Twitter can offer even more. We’ve rounded up 40 funny tweets about the things people have forgotten how to do over the course of the pandemic.

I forgot how to act in public because when the cashier at the grocery store gave me my total I replied, “Good and you?”

— ThisOneSays (@ThisOneSayz) December 29, 2020

I’ve definitely forgotten how to walk in high heels.

— Kim Holcomb (@kimholcomb) August 6, 2020

When pandemic is over, my greatest hope is that people at concerts have forgotten how to slowly wave their hands back and forth over their heads

— Mike Scully (@scullymike) February 28, 2021

When you put on jeans for the first time in a few weeks and can't remember how to walk.

— Mindy Kaling (@mindykaling) July 21, 2020

can’t tell if it’s the lack of sleep or the quarantine but i think i’ve forgotten how to drive

— Ash (an female) ⚪️ (@adult_mom) April 30, 2020

feeling unexpectedly shy about showing my nose and mouth now....I may have forgotten how to make........expressions

— Noelle Stevenson (@Gingerhazing) May 17, 2021

Either I’m losing vocabulary or creating a new language at this point in the pandemic, but here are some things I temporarily forgot how to say and what I said instead

long sleeves for legs (pants)

rinsing thing (faucet)

anxiety tax (insurance)

What are some of yours?

— DeAnne! Smith! (@DeAnne_Smith) February 20, 2021

Had to get dressed and go outside for real today for the first time since February — like drove myself downtown and went inside a building with an elevator — and legit forgot how to put on jeans.

— Meena Harris (@meenaharris) June 29, 2020

just wanna announce ahead of time that after the pandemic ends i will be grunting at you like a caveman because i forgot how to talk

— Rob DenBleyker (@RobDenBleyker) March 15, 2021

I forgot how to flirt. Lamest pandemic ever.

— Rae Sanni is vaxxed up (@raesanni) April 4, 2021

I have a lot of questions right now.
When will my kids return to school?
Are we going to be wearing masks for the foreseeable future?
Will I remember how to walk in shoes?

— Scary Mommy (@ScaryMommy) April 25, 2020

I’m in a movie theater. I’ve forgotten how to act in this place.

— Sean Fennessey (@SeanFennessey) May 18, 2021

Talked to some strangers at a bar last night and let me assure you that people have completely forgotten how to tell stories.

— Matt Shirley (@mattsurely) May 14, 2021

My body has literally forgotten how to feel things that are not bad?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?))!

— Ella Cerón (@ellaceron) November 6, 2020

me trying to remember how to be cute and go out once the rona is over

— tracy the business goose (@brokeymcpoverty) November 30, 2020

Am going to a screening of a scary movie tonight, and am a little bit worried that I have forgotten how to attend scary movies and might shriek at inappropriate moments, like during the opening credits or something.

— Moira Macdonald (@moiraverse) May 17, 2021

I forgot how to do good lipstick during the pandemic. When I go out now I do everything but lips.

— Elizabeth Picciuto (@epicciuto) March 26, 2021

I forgot how to use an iron and I can’t find my belt because I haven’t used either in over 400 days.

— geraLd (@ImGeraLd) May 16, 2021

genuinely think i've forgotten how to style myself 🥺

— Bolu Babalola (@BeeBabs) August 2, 2020

someone bring in my mail I forgot how to tie my shoes

— *sigh*clops (@aotakeo) April 15, 2020

I turned on the water and stepped into the tub with my underwear still on.

Guys. I literally forgot how to shower.

— Salty Mermaid Entertainment (@saltymermaident) April 1, 2020

I really want to do standup again but I’ve completely forgotten how to do it

— Brian Gaar (@briangaar) May 2, 2020

Trying to remember how to exercise. I took a bite out of a dumbbell. That’s not quite right but I’m close. I can feel it.

— jon drake (@DrakeGatsby) December 21, 2020

I haven't been away in so long that I've basically forgotten how to do it. So pretty much packed everything I own and now off on the road.

— Mike Lowe (@mrmickeylowe) May 19, 2021 does one dress for a work environment in the summer? I’ve forgotten how to be a professional person.

— Andrea Romano (@theandrearomano) May 17, 2021

I’ve forgotten how to talk to people in person. What do I do with my arms?

— Jenelle Riley (@jenelleriley) May 18, 2021

i’m going to come out of this pandemic even more awkward than i was before bc i forgot how to socialize 😅

— sarah (@hisarahlol) September 13, 2020

people who forgot how to date emerging from the pandemic in 2040 ready to date again

— Ben Haist (@bhaist) September 6, 2020

i'm too tired to remember how to sleep

— maura quint (@behindyourback) June 11, 2020

Does anyone remember how to stretch? Do you stand first? Thanks in advance!

— Allana Harkin (@AllanaHarkin) December 16, 2020

Doing a Zoom talk at 12:30.

May have forgotten how to use a hair dryer.

— GET VACCINATED (((Jennifer Mendelsohn))) (@CleverTitleTK) May 6, 2020

Tomorrow is the second wedding anniversary I've celebrated during the pandemic but because things are a bit better here my husband asked if I wanted to go anywhere and like I think I've like, forgotten how to want to go places

— Elle M. (they/them) (@ellle_em) April 25, 2021

when you're back in the office for the first time in a year and forgot how to do business casual

— Alex Fitzpatrick (@AlexJamesFitz) May 18, 2021

${NEWJOB} asked for a headshot and I realized I don't have anything recent where I look happy

I just spent a solid hour remembering how to smile on purpose

— bletchley punk (@alicegoldfuss) June 21, 2020

truly feel like i've forgotten how to put one (1) english sentence together anymore, let alone several of them

— Hannah Giorgis | ሀና ጊዮርጊስ (@hannahgiorgis) March 31, 2020

[after pandemic]

me: [stepping out of the bathroom]

him: how're u doing?

me: let me tell u something. you've got a lot of toilet paper.

him: i know.

me: u know it's been so long i've forgotten how to use it.



him: what?

me: what?

— Gwenyth (@skinnygweny) April 6, 2020

I wonder if a lot of men in the pandemic straight up forgot how to tie a tie.

— Joe Berkowitz (@JoeBerkowitz) May 5, 2021

anyone else playing off their social awkwardness by being like “oh wow I forgot how to interact with people during the pandemic, I totally used to be great at this !!!”

— maggie penman (@maggiepenman) May 16, 2021

If you wanna see how far society has regressed during this pandemic just go to an airport rn holy shit 😭😂 everybody forgot how to act around other people

— Furloughed Fatty (@HamtaroHangover) May 21, 2021

I forgot how to fake smile over the pandemic and I'm not about to relearn

— joslynBot_2.3 ♠ (@JoslynBarry_) May 20, 2021

Before You Go
