12 Tweets That Sum Up The Pain Of Flying With Kids

Snakes on a plane sounds less challenging.

The summer holidays are upon us, and there is nothing we would love more than two weeks spent on a beach with an endless supply of trashy novels.

But in order to get there would mean getting on an aeroplane with our (and everyone else’s) children, and all of a sudden we’re completely happy with staying on the sofa till September.

Here are 12 tweets that perfectly sum up the agony of flying with children that will make you glad you’ve chosen a staycation this year.

1. The angst the night before.

Why did I think flying alone with 3 kids would be a good idea. I'm getting nervous about our trip tomorrow! pic.twitter.com/kYdJ8sqfO4

— Julia (@cleeksock) July 17, 2017

2. The morning of the flight.

Pretty much the story of my life... #familytravel #travelingwithkids pic.twitter.com/OMXGlPvwEP

— Melissa Smuzynski (@MelissaSmuz) August 20, 2016

3. The luggage.

I don't need a luggage tag for when I travel, because my Kids pop out of the suitcase as soon as it hits the conveyer belt. Hard to miss.

— Tara Brown (@Faux_Ma) December 12, 2013

4. The check-in.

Not one parent at the airport with their children last night looked like they were gonna enjoy their holiday

— Huge Fan (@Cromulentwords) July 14, 2017

5. The delays.

Just got delayed 2 and a half hours flying to New York......with both kids...wish me luck pic.twitter.com/VWqyUhoQiB

— James Laurinaitis (@JLaurinaitis55) July 12, 2017

6. The seating arrangements.

Flying with the kids.
Flight attendant: you probably want to be seated with your kids
Me: No, I would even like to be on a different plane. pic.twitter.com/sdj2Pi1VyR

— cooldad (@cooldadstore) July 13, 2017

7. The in-flight entertainment.

Asked the 7yo to pack her airline carryon. She included: an empty box, a harmonica, shark teeth, and broken glass. #travelingwithkids

— Kristina Killgrove ☠ (@DrKillgrove) December 23, 2016

8. The kind stranger who performs miracles.

This puppy made that kids stop crying on the plane, I've never seen anything cuter pic.twitter.com/uLWW5yWZod

— Blair Hogan (@HairBlogan) July 14, 2017

9. The other people’s children.

The ratio of kids to adults on this plane is about 2:3 and I want to die.

— Gabby (@1TheGreatCatsby) July 15, 2017

10. The general mood.

Kids on a plane. Think I prefer snakes.

— Kieran Jones (@kieranjones123) July 16, 2017

11. The reflection on the experience.

I love my children but flying with kids is unpleasant.

— Thaddeus Garlatz (@thaddeusiii) July 17, 2017

12. The unavoidable truth about family holidays.

The best way to travel with kids is not to.

— OneFunnyMummy (@OneFunnyMummy) October 18, 2016