Twitter Users Think This Photo Of Jared And Ivanka Is Straight Out Of 'The Shining'

The picture of Trump's eldest daughter and her husband at Buckingham Palace was compared to scenes from horror films and nightmares.

President Donald Trump’s official state visit to the UK kicked off on Monday as Queen Elizabeth II greeted him at Buckingham Palace while his eldest daughter, Ivanka, and her husband, Jared Kushner, watched from a palace window.

All seemed sufficiently run-of-the-mill until a photograph of Jared and Ivanka gazing out from a Buckingham Palace window began circulating on Twitter. The resulting photograph was cinematic, to say the least, with Twitter users comparing it to scenes from horror films and their nightmares.

Several users saw resemblances between the photograph and “The Shining,” referring to Ivanka and Jared as rebooted versions of the infamous twins.

Others compared the photographs to scenes from their nightmares and different horror films, including “The Omen,” “Flowers in the Attic,” “The Others” and a forthcoming Jordan Peele project.

Thousands of protesters are expected to take to the streets Tuesday to demonstrate against Trump. London Mayor Sadiq Khan granted protesters permission to fly the infamous Trump baby blimp during the protest, which portrays the president as an ill-tempered infant.


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