Unisex Toilets At Buxton School In London Causes Anger Among Parents: 'It Will Disrupt Kids' Wellbeing'

'It may potentially cause an increase in sexually-related incidents.'

Parents of children at a London primary school are hitting back after unisex toilets were introduced in the building for kids over the age of eight.

Buxton School in East London installed the gender neutral bathrooms as part of the school’s new £12 million building.

Executive headteacher Kath Wheeler said the toilets have created “safe spaces where pupils show respect towards each other and feel respected”, according to the East London and West Essex Guardian.

However more than 700 parents have signed a petition to “say no” to the unisex toilets.

“We believe the decision to introduce unisex toilets will disrupt the hygiene, privacy, safety, security and the wellbeing of the children attending Buxton School,” wrote parent Ehasan Karim on the Change.org petition.

“We fear that it may potentially cause an increase in sexually-related incidents, including assault and harassment.”

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Karim continued: “We are concerned about the introduction of unisex toilets at our school. Failure to act upon our concerns will only motivate us to expose locally and nationally the decision to creep this idea into our schools with no justification, consultation or notification to parents/guardians of those children who this decision will impact.

“We call upon our local councillors and MP to apply pressure on the school until the corrective measures have been taken.”

Commenting on the petition, mum Shaila Hussain wrote: “This concept of mixed toilets will not only make children feel differentiated but shame in using toilets.

“It would be better to keep it separated as it’s safer. Having the unisex toilets will allow nothing but more mischievous behaviour.”

Another person, Fahmeeda Bhatti, wrote: “This is a terrible idea and has many potential risks.

“I am very upset that the school did not even have the decency to consult with the parents of the children, this came as a shock when I was informed by a mother.”

Karim aims to get 1,000 signatures on the petition before it is delivered to the school’s headteacher.

Wheeler reminded parents that single sex toilets were still available, telling East London and West Essex Guardian: “No pupil has to use a unisex toilet if they do not want to.”

The Huffington Post UK has contacted Buxton School for comment.

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